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  1. bstiff29

    New Grower, need help with the works

    I'm hoping this one turns out, it'll be my first attempt. I guess im looking for a Sativa that does well outdoors in my midwest climate that would be easy for a new grower. Dont worry this is the first of many questions i'll have for you guys.
  2. bstiff29

    New Grower, need help with the works

    I have a site all mapped out for myself, I guess im looking for strains that would grow well in the area. I'm not opposed to Indica but would prefer a heavier sativa.
  3. bstiff29

    New Grower, need help with the works

    Hey I'm new to the growing community and I'm looking at an outdoor growsite for the spring 2011 season. anyone that can help me would be appreciated.