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  1. Hawzzy

    Perpetual Harvest Veg/Flower Balance?

    Well....I can tell you from experience that you CAN reveg clones from flowering plants...I have done It a couple times.... in fact im doing a few right now. i have been told by others NOT to take them any later than 3wks In tho. They do take a little longer to root AND the newest vegetative...
  2. Hawzzy

    my first time with the aeroflo2 36, finally ready to go

    Can I get an amen! Couldnt agree with you more Good job.
  3. Hawzzy

    Aero/NFT Grow in Tent w/ CO2, AC, Dehumidifier, and DIY Chiller

    Thank you for the detailed reply...and NO WORRIES about the slight delay in the are busy with a great new addition to your grow arsenal which can only benefit you....your circle of friends and the community here. As per your inquiry/request for a journal or grow thread....I am...
  4. Hawzzy

    Aero/NFT Grow in Tent w/ CO2, AC, Dehumidifier, and DIY Chiller

    Man.....Im pretty sure I just heard angels singing in the background when you showed your
  5. Hawzzy

    my first time with the aeroflo2 36, finally ready to go

    The same off gassing principle could apply in aero nft during the spraying... turbulent ride down around all the roots... down the tubes and when it waterfalls back into the reservoir (the nutrient solution that is). If this whole series of actions imparts a tonne of DO into the solution...
  6. Hawzzy

    my first time with the aeroflo2 36, finally ready to go

    Heres a quick question for you....are you aerating your nutrient solution In your reservoir? I ask because im fighting constantly rising PH and after research and others help on RIU...the consensus is that its due to the airstone dissipating the acids after adding PH down. A reaction similar...
  7. Hawzzy

    P.H readings and Dissolved Oxygen

    Im leaning towrds that style for sure. Im going to start gathering parts and diy it together over the next couple months. Love building stuff.
  8. Hawzzy

    Aero/NFT Grow in Tent w/ CO2, AC, Dehumidifier, and DIY Chiller

    Ive been reading the SB thread for a while....and ive enjoyed watching your grows taking shape...and your new rooms too guys....maybe I missed it AK....are you using the same nutes as SB or something else...maybe I smoked too much and missed it
  9. Hawzzy

    P.H readings and Dissolved Oxygen

    I fell in love with the idea of rdwc for my first foray into hydro...BUT it takes SOOOOOOO much nutrients. Each bucket takes a few the res takes even more gallons. Even though you can keep the ppms down....the sheer volume of nutrient solution is you need crazy...
  10. Hawzzy

    P.H readings and Dissolved Oxygen

    This is my first foray out of and learn...try or die I guess. In my 10 gal 2 plant bucket...with 5 gal res...I have 6 tubes...2 in each net pot and two just spraying into the bucket. It rises much more slowly. If I run rdwc again...I will incorporate a waterfall or fluming from a...
  11. Hawzzy

    P.H readings and Dissolved Oxygen

    Im using town tap water...I leave it out for multiple starts at about 70 ppm. Not too bad. I changed the airstone to a much smaller one...I dont want em growing too only 3wks into flower in my other cabinet lol. Im aiming to double and split my flowering area in
  12. Hawzzy

    P.H readings and Dissolved Oxygen

    Pain In the ass eh?
  13. Hawzzy

    P.H readings and Dissolved Oxygen

    Good point. It is with my newly rooted clones I a lower solution thats giving most issues. The last nute change Im up to 400ppm from 250 ish....ill see today if its at least a little more stable.... I putin a monster airstone....maybe I should scale it down a bit. I often read about...
  14. Hawzzy

    Help with air pump

    If you do run your pumps from a location LOWER than your buckets/stones you will want to put check valves on EACH airline. If you lose power, the airlines tend to become siphons and will empty your buckets....ive seen it happen on our aquarium.
  15. Hawzzy

    P.H readings and Dissolved Oxygen

    Thanks for the input using a beneficial bacteria tea to help keep the slime away.... another compromise I guess...I dont want to use bleach or h202 on or in my plants nutrient solution. Ive always wndered if it really dissipated the acids used to lower the ph or if the increased...
  16. Hawzzy

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Sorry dude....I wish i knew more about how to fix it with an organic grow.
  17. Hawzzy

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Often the steadily rising PH is a sign of some funky goo. I had the same problem...think I introduced it with clones I pulled from dirt and put into my rdwc. I had to shut down half of my system...killed 2 plants....I transplanted 4 into dirt to try to save em and it worked. Im using GH...
  18. Hawzzy

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey jimmy...give a little more info...actually alot more...hopefully we can figure it out.
  19. Hawzzy

    P.H readings and Dissolved Oxygen

    Here's the situation.....ive heard and read about increases in oxygen raising PH. I have a home made bubble cloner/veg chamber. I adjust the PH of the light nutrient soloution then leave it alone with a big airstone. Every time I check the P.H...its very high....I add a little ph down....check...
  20. Hawzzy

    API STRESS ZYME + for root rot? DWC

    Bennies are great in dwc...ive read that some of the bennies for fish tanks actually REMOVE phosphates from the water. Not sure how it will affect the nutrients availabe to your plant. I use Heisenberg tea....its a stickied thread in this forum. It completely reversed my root rot and has...