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  1. Hawzzy

    Is this nutirent tox or nutrient burn?

    Just my opinion...not saying anyone else is wrong but micronutrient deficiencies are most prevalent in grows using RO or distilled water especially. You could try and give it nothing.....I guess.
  2. Hawzzy

    DWC root problem with pics

    Synthetic nutes and Heisenburg tea...once the roots start coming back healthy and mine regrew very quick, you can say goodbye to bleach and h202 until your grow is over. Ive been sooooo impressed I started bumping my temps up a few degrees AND experimenting with a little of the organic additives...
  3. Hawzzy

    Is this nutirent tox or nutrient burn?

    Tap it filtered heavily? What's the ph of the soil or run off water? I don't think a nutrient burn will make the leaves fade between the veins. If its not getting better after flushing it must be a deficiency...if its showing multiple matching symptoms its usually wrong soil...
  4. Hawzzy

    DWC root problem with pics

    Im using gh flora 3prt...the tea and organics dont go well together. i Put my before and after pic above....have a quick look It saved my crop...and keeps everything nice and clean.
  5. Hawzzy

    DWC root problem with pics
  6. Hawzzy

    DWC root problem with pics

    The best thread on the interweb about root slime just happens to be on this forum my fellow dwc root slime sufferer. I just finished reading 90% of the 200 + pages and have beat the slime (for good I hope)...
  7. Hawzzy

    Promix + high alkalinity water

    Are you leaving your tap water out in buckets at least24 hours to gas off chlorine etc? Check your runoff water ph. I found the same with my was low ph. If your feeding only every third watering could they need more minerals and nutrients? I always say fix ph first....wrong ph...
  8. Hawzzy

    NEED HELP WITH SEEDLINGS!! check pictures

    You may have to get a cal/mag supplement once they start taking off or they might start showing deficiencies again. If you dont have enough minerals in your water and nutrients a cal/mag supplement is beneficial and almost necessary in coco I believe.
  9. Hawzzy

    Need help on whether Phosphorous def. or PH issues?

    Good stuff....rule out PH first. Flush and or feed with phd water and or good nutrients and proceed to watch closely.
  10. Hawzzy

    Need help on whether Phosphorous def. or PH issues?

    Its a little hard to see those pics......the main difference between magnesium and potassium deficiency is new growth "pulls" mag from the lower leaves so if it starts from the bottom and spreads up...magnesium. Potassium problems can start anywhere on the plant....sometimes it looks like too...
  11. Hawzzy

    Yellow leaf mobile deficiency help.

    Agree....a PH problem wll show multiple symptoms...makes diagnosis hard. SilentQ I bet you plants are a little waterlogged from the flush as well as the ph flux. Its nice to bring a plant back around from a bout of illness.
  12. Hawzzy

    Is this nutirent tox or nutrient burn?

    Whats your... Water P.h of water and soil Nutrients Medium Etc...etc?
  13. Hawzzy

    Is this nutirent tox or nutrient burn?

    A potassium deficiency looks like nutrient burn at first.....lush greens with brown tips... BUT the brown moves to the edges and the leaves begin turning yellow between the veins similar to a magnesium def. Magnesium problems start at bottom of plant..always...potassium problems can show anywhere.
  14. Hawzzy

    leaf problem AN nutrients

    Did the problem start in lower older growth or upper newer growth when you first noticed it?
  15. Hawzzy

    Need help on whether Phosphorous def. or PH issues?

    You can get aquarium ph drops from pet stores or Wallyworld. They measure from 6 to 8 ph and in soil you should be in the 6 to 6.5 range. I looked a little closer at your pics...and I think that a phosphorous def. will show brown, or purple spots BEFORE the leaves begin to turn yellow. I...
  16. Hawzzy

    Yellow leaf mobile deficiency help.

    Another little note....even once the problemm is fixed....the damaged yellow and brown spotted leaves wont come around...I pulled all heavily damaged leaves off to make it easier for me to spot if more were changing OR the problem was on the mend. Also...the PH of your water/soil will effect...
  17. Hawzzy

    Yellow leaf mobile deficiency help.

    If it was the light being too close...the affected leaves would be the top ones...the ones closest to the lightsource....they tend to go yellowish white before getting crispy. I just rescued my girls with the same issue....started with a flush of epsom salts while I waited for a liquid cal/mag...
  18. Hawzzy

    Need help on whether Phosphorous def. or PH issues?

    Are you possibly using reverse osmosis or heavily filtered water. Or on a well? Are you adjusting your water PH....and can you test it and your soil runoff water?
  19. Hawzzy

    Need help on whether Phosphorous def. or PH issues?

    I would guess its a magnesium def. I just went through the same thing. I added some epsom salts to a couple of waterings to help while I sourced out a calcium/iron/mag. Supplement. It starts like your pics...fading between veins while the veins stay green...then eventually leaves yellow as...
  20. Hawzzy

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    This tea is full of beneficial bacteria and fungi that help create healthy, large, disease resistant rootmasses and plants. The microbes also aid in breaking down and making more nutrients available to the plant. The sugar/molasses is food to wake up and feed the microbes in the tea so they...