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  1. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La Diva & White Widow

    Set up 5 100w full spectrum cfls 2 40w T12 Bulbs (1@6500k & 1@2500k 2 5 gall planting pots Soil 1 Bag Organic potting mix 1/2 Box Bat guano 1/2 bag perlite La Diva
  2. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

  3. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Day42 La Diva White Widow
  4. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Day 41 La Diva White Widow Setup Added 2 more full spectrum 100w bulbs
  5. Blazeit4life

    flower under 6500k cfl?

    Hey magikninja I recommend full spectrum cfl they only cost 8.00 at home depot and they cover the whole spectrum so one bulb instead of 2 . Also your plant will only flower under the 12 12 light cycle unless you are growing automatics. Checkout my grow...
  6. Blazeit4life

    1st time Noobie CFL Stealth Grow!

    Hey champaign I don't really do anything special just keep my fan on high circulating the air and i have 3 holes in the top of my case to disperse heat and two holes in and out with a pc fan to bring in fresh air and exhaust the waste keep your intake high and you out take low in your grow box...
  7. Blazeit4life

    First time grower - Small CFL grow

    Hey chubby-chaser I recommend 100w full spectrum cfl 8.00 at home depot and reasonably small and will cover one plant per bulb keep them close 3 to 4 far as fiming an auto i have herd it was bad but i did it twice and she is growing just fine . checkout my grow...
  8. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Updated 12-14-2012
  9. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Day 40 La diva White widow
  10. Blazeit4life

    fan question pls help

    Hey swishersweet I recommend one fan in one fan out independent from the light fixture.If you want an in for your fixture that would be a good idea too Tallen is right though if you are concerned with smell i would definitely blow into the fixture check out my grow...
  11. Blazeit4life

    whats a good light bulb to grow 1 pot plant?

    Hey dxskaterpwns I recommend 100w full spectrum cfl 8.00 at home depot and is adequate for 1 small plant check out my grow
  12. Blazeit4life

    1st time Noobie CFL Stealth Grow!

    Hey champaign Everything looks really good in your set up.The only thing i recommend is try and get the temp below 80 they will grow alot faster if you do over 85 slows growth so i would keep an eye on it.Other then that good job and good luck Check out my grow...
  13. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Hey black Its a cross between Blueberry and Diavolo>
  14. Blazeit4life

    Midway through a Blue Mammoth grow!

    Looks very very nice good job! check out my grow
  15. Blazeit4life

    Virgin ultra lemon auto closet grow

    Hey there Buddhead They do look a little small. I recommend you transplant them into another bucket of soil and fill it almost to the top auto grow fast and there roots need a ton of room to grow. check out my grow
  16. Blazeit4life

    G13 Labs - Auto NL X Auto Sweet Tooth

    Looking healthy and happy. I would transplant though if you want them any bigger.good job though check out my grow
  17. Blazeit4life

    PC grow help.

    I recommend 100w full spectrum cfl at home depot its only 8 bucks and has all the red and blue light you need in one bulb check out my grow and feal free to ask me qwestions
  18. Blazeit4life

    Do these look good so far?

    Ok first i use 100w full spectrum cfl i recommend you try those there like $8.00 at home depot! Second you got way to many seedlings in one cup you should plant one per cup thay need alot of space to grow roots and with that many there going to choke each other out if you have any other...
  19. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Updated! 12-10-2012
  20. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Day 30 Day 39Day 40