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  1. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Day39 La Diva White Widow
  2. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Today is day 38 I think lol. My La diva seams to be recovering well from the burn/fim I see some new bud looking growth where the old bud was cut off. The white widow looks like shes getting taller and her undergrowth is really filling in so tight i can barely see the stem!
  3. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    So today la diva had a little problem she grew 3 inches but She also grew right up into the center of my cfl .Needles to say she got burnt to a crisp so i had to fim her again lets hope she recovers well
  4. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Hmm no not at all she really has never been droopy.What kind of soil mix are you using .I water her tons she grows so fast never let her dry all the way but don't leave standing water ether.
  5. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    White WidowDay38>
  6. Blazeit4life

    C.F.L grow La diva & White widow

    Set up 3 100w full spectrum cfls 2 40w T12 Bulbs (1@6500k & 1@2500k 2 5 gall planting pots Soil 1 Bag Organic potting mix 1/2 Box Bat guano 1/2 bag perlite
  7. Blazeit4life

    My first grow :La diva automatic and white widow"so far so good"

    The next morning after transplant!!! White widow La diva Lots of new growth!!!
  8. Blazeit4life

    My first grow :La diva automatic and white widow"so far so good"

    Transplanted White widow La diva
  9. Blazeit4life

    My first grow :La diva automatic and white widow"so far so good"

    My la diva just started to stink just a little bit today
  10. Blazeit4life

    My first grow :La diva automatic and white widow"so far so good"

    Thats cool with me if i get a big harvest
  11. Blazeit4life

    My first grow :La diva automatic and white widow"so far so good"

    Can anyone tell me if my fiming worked on the la diva im not sure.
  12. Blazeit4life

    My first grow :La diva automatic and white widow"so far so good"

    White widow Ladiva automatic.