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  1. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Yeah, I saw you post it in your thread. Glad it worked out, seemed like it got some attention over there for the size. As far as the canopy, it is hard to get it just how you want it, but with every set I train, I just keep getting better at it and it keeps getting easier. Thanks for stopping...
  2. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Wow, thats an old post you quoted there. I gave Fox Farm a run and it didnt like my setup. The nutrients kept settling to the bottom of my tub and plant health wasnt as vibrant as I was going for. I have switched back to the technaflora lineup with great results. Thanks for stopping in. Glad...
  3. Integra21

    new to growing D.W.C help is appreciated!

    Here's a few answers for you. As far as mylar, you can usually only get it at grow stores and online, but some plant nursarys carry it. As stated above, there are substitutes that work and are cheap. You want to change your res roughly once a week, but more so when you have had to replace half...
  4. Integra21

    Club 600

    Ok guys, here are a few pics from my latest update. Rest of the pics in my journal in my sig.
  5. Integra21

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    Here is my white widow at 25 days flowering. Sorry for the single bud shots, but its pretty useless to try and get a whole plant shot since it is mixed into a scrog with 5 other plants, but I guess we can play the game, can you finds the White Widow? It's somewhere in there...
  6. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks guys. They are my healthiest so far. Lets just hope I can keep it going. You get your electrical figured out Bob? I know Cazador had some good suggestions.
  7. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Blue Kush Day 36 And here's the Blue Kush and White Widow at day 26 here's a couple of close-ups of the Widow I am also doing an expieriment to see if trimming under the screen really helps. On the side that is further along, I trimmed nothing. Only removing dead leaves and on...
  8. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Blue Kush Day 36 And here's the Blue Kush and White Widow at day 26 here's a couple of close-ups of the Widow I am also doing an expieriment to see if trimming under the screen really helps. On the side that is further along, I trimmed nothing. Only removing dead leaves and on...
  9. Integra21

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    The next run, I am actually trying out the 600w version of this bulb. The nice part is they have the added uvb in the bulb too. I still have to call the rep back to get the lumen output since they dont list it anywhere.
  10. Integra21

    dc's Super Skunk and HashBerry round #2, going for 1GPW!

    They look great. Cant wait to see these girls hit the ground running.
  11. Integra21

    Club 600

    Yeah, that'll do it. Nutrients are the worst part of hydro. But thats a little high still. I get my whole set for right around $300 and the grow store. But I use the Technaflora line-up
  12. Integra21

    Club 600

    what were you getting that cost that much. The whole setup?
  13. Integra21

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    As long as they're still alive there is hope. Stress early on is argued alot, but as long as the genetics are good, putting the plants through some hardships and getting them to recover to perfect seems to make the plants a little stronger than if they were babied the whole time. My original...
  14. Integra21

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    good luck doc. I hope nothing bad goes down.
  15. Integra21

    Figure This Led Haters

    Here is a simple bar to beat with led. This is my first grow ever. Had no idea what I was doin and what to expect. My plants started off great, but I ended up nutrient burning the shit out of them. This is 5 plants grown under a 430w Son Agro bulb. Total yield was 9.75oz. Even with the burn, the...
  16. Integra21

    Welcome to Goofy's Garden

    The understanding I have come to with my plants is, If the water level drops and the ppm's drop, the mix isnt strong enough. If the water level drops and the ppm's rise, your mixing it too strong, and if you can get the water level to drop and the ppm's to stay the same, you have it just right...
  17. Integra21

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Looks fantastic smoove. Beyond words.
  18. Integra21

    Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC

    Taht's rediculous bob. I could have never imagined it would work that well. Seems like it would take a lot of time to set that up properly, but thats just a guess. That was really sick. Thanks for the link.
  19. Integra21

    Club 600

    just incase you wanted to see this here we go, I appreciate the post, it seems interesting, but if any plant yielded like this, I think the whole growing community would know about it.
  20. Integra21

    Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC

    the only reason that concerns me is you need about that much clearance from a 100w light. From what I've read you need 12-24" of distance from the lights to the plants, which would mean your plants could only be 2-6 inches tall. But obviously, for that price, maybe they thought of that. Just...