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  1. Christianiadelic


    It definitely is. Science doesn't tell people what to do. But science is sometimes used to legitimise otherwise illegitimate concepts and ideas. I don't believe religion is inherently bad. The Christian God has a chequered past, surely, but now - following 2000 years of evolution - the Christian...
  2. Christianiadelic

    So where can we watch free movies?

    Try Blockbuster.
  3. Christianiadelic

    Are we living in the End Times?

    I assume that your comment is to be understood in the context of the political climate in the US. I am Danish, so I don't want to make too many assumptions about the issues you raise. What are you refering to, specifically? I have an abnormal interest in politics and economics and I'm studying a...
  4. Christianiadelic


    Interesting debate lads. Somewhat sober as well. Much appreciated. Is Christianity especially conducive of democracy? Well, insofar as it promotes tolerance and equality. At least, that's what I take from Francis Fukuyama's book The end of History and the Last Man. He writes: "[...] there is...
  5. Christianiadelic

    i hate my grocery store job

    As god intended.
  6. Christianiadelic

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I really want to post some random jibber jabber but then again, I don't want to intrude. At this point I'm too afraid to ask. I was considering something sarcastic like 'get a room' but then again - it does have faux pas written all over it. So...
  7. Christianiadelic


    "*toke toke toke*" Love it!
  8. Christianiadelic

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    You forgot 'ugly'.
  9. Christianiadelic

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    In this narrow passage their numbers count for nothing!
  10. Christianiadelic

    You Should Read The Facts of Armenian Allegation

    Turkey is going down the drain. :(
  11. Christianiadelic

    Under what individual authority does government exist?

    I can't say that I have. I did just manage to find an essay on his ideas, though it really wasn't comprehensive. What is he about?
  12. Christianiadelic

    Under what individual authority does government exist?

    I consider this a question of the legitimacy of the authority of the State over the Individual. And as a social contract between the two (for more on this, read Jean-Jacques Rousseau's 'The Social Contract' or the contemporary John Rawls' 'A Theory of Justice'. Of course, Adam Smith had a lot of...
  13. Christianiadelic


    Pardon me, but you ought to have used a colon, rather than a full stop: "Here is your cure: Fuck off." I honestly do not believe that people visit the RIU politics forum to grow weed. This is evidenced by the fact that I have looked over the politics forum several times and found no traces of...
  14. Christianiadelic


    Hello lads and lassies! I was expecting a somewhat proper debate on the politics forum. I was horribly wrong. I find it odd that no moderators seem to take action. I mean, so far 80 per cent of this thread is utter bullshit; useless in any concievable way. If you really want to have a...
  15. Christianiadelic

    Who are the great philosophers for you?

    I wasn't aware that he did philosophy. Interesting though...
  16. Christianiadelic

    Speed Haze (ssh x j.herer)

    Indeed. I'd marry that thing!
  17. Christianiadelic

    The Right-Wing Neo-Confederate Movement.

    Hey, Marvin. Are you trying to use proper punctuation, or are you simply against legible writing?
  18. Christianiadelic

    The farce behind liberal, "I'll tax you again" global warming bullshit - volcanoes!

    I am disheartened by the stupidity of this thread. For 5 minutes I have been aching to write a long reply, highlighting - in a number of ways - just how stupid this thread is. But, seeing as how I am somewhat baked, I won't. I will settle with the picture below.