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  1. ancap


    To me this is like saying, "snowy weather doesn't make snowballs, people make snowballs." You are technically correct, but it is the snowy weather that creates the atmosphere for snowballs to be made. The free market system is not an imposed system. It is just two or more parties trading goods...
  2. ancap


    The free market by definition is voluntarism. You cannot have a free market without voluntarism. In fact, historically when society is granted a level of freedom by government or acquires freedom by escaping government, people naturally begin to use currency to buy and trade goods and services...
  3. ancap


    So if I understand, you are going to peacefully resist the free exchange of goods and services? Please walk me through what there is to resist in voluntarism. Feel free to explain real thoroughly so I can understand (this was a really short winded answer).
  4. ancap


    I agree with some of what you said (i.e. equality within humanity) and disagree with other parts of what you said (i.e. no other species commits cannibalism or exploits others within its species). I'm confused about your use of the phrase "peaceful non cooperation"; maybe you can tell me more. I...
  5. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I believe chlorine evaporates, so I would probably leave the lid off.
  6. ancap


    MrKushman, I am still interested in understanding how you will achieve a society entirely free of private business ventures without using coercive force.
  7. ancap


    Someone would perform such an action with unrealistic expectations of outcomes only if they were A) utterly insane or B) indoctrinated with a mythology that moved them to justify previous painful results as an anomaly that future teeth pulling would prove as such. I don't believe everyone in...
  8. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    It is an Everstar 8000 BTU's. I believe it uses 900 watts when it is running. Mine doesn't constantly need to run though since the lights run at night and the room temperature is much lower, with the help of my central AC. It is probably only running 20-30% of the time set at 76. Keep in mind...
  9. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Bigbux, I have a portable AC unit right behind my box and I direct the cold airflow directly to the box intake. I also run my lights at night instead of during the day. The lights are going off when the sun is starting to rise. Make sure to exhaust all hot air outside the grow room if at all...
  10. ancap


    Where does your aggression come from? It seems like you might be projecting. Who hurt you?
  11. ancap


    Iraq civilian death toll estimated anywhere from 100,000 lives to 655,000 lives by 2006 depending on the study. We could start with those genocidal figures, or is the fact that rickwhite has not felt the effects of govt intrusion make this a universally closed case? (Washington Post...
  12. ancap


    I believe the only way the system will change is when everyone can clearly see the gun in the relationship between people and the government. This is why slavery will never return to our society. It was only sustainable because most people did not see the inherent violence in the system...
  13. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Day 46 Flowering My nutrient ppm is right around 800. I just ran out of co2 and I'm Wondering if I should purchase another round for the last week. I've been playing around with my microscope, thanks to mrbill, and keeping an eye on the trichome development. I still have mostly clear trichomes...
  14. ancap


    I think we are seeing the same thing for the most part, which is why I stated that we are mostly in agreement. Unless I misunderstand your full position, where I think we disagree is the extent to which society could have prevented such state expansion, in reality not in theory. This is why I...
  15. ancap


    Just for the record... My question was, does one need to read every existing argument on a position (for and against) before engaging in a debate, and your answer was "I would say to passively accept what you were born into is an odd position in my mind". That does not seem to answer the...
  16. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    You're fine... as long as the conversation is relevant to either this grow or can be helpful to others reading, particularly BCNL growers. ;-)
  17. ancap


    I wasn't asking what Marx believed with the assumption that you believed the same thing; I was asking what you believe. Are you saying that I would have to read every argument on a position in order to debate that position? I ask because I'm not sure why you seem so passive aggressive about me...
  18. ancap


    In a free market, a business hiring an employee through a mutually beneficial voluntary contract is not an unethical form of exploitation. Peaceful, voluntary transactions by willing and stable individuals are more acurately defined as a symbiosis. The employee wants $10 more than he wants 60...
  19. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    If the Producer is on in a dark room, there are definitely many light leaks. It is not a perfectly tight seal, but it doesn't leak enough to see lights glowing under a bedroom door or out a window or anything.
  20. ancap


    Dude... what are you talking about???