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  1. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Good questions... 1. I would eventually like to house a mother plant for clones, but I am a one man show currently and I am planning on spending a couple months in California this summer (after this grow). I would have no one to watch over my mother, and even if I did, I'd rather leave my...
  2. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Day 11 Finally filled my res and I'm using full week 1 nutes at about 250ppm following the BCNL schedule. Since my airstones don't create enough mist coverage for all 13 plants, I am rotating each plant about twice per day.
  3. ancap

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Smokedup12 added another air pump to his Producer. This is what he said on my other thread... "Yes i have extra air pumps outside of the box, at the intake fan there are slots that allow u to attach Vent covers. I took a flathead screw driver and gently bent it side to side opening a slightly...
  4. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    I just began my second grow journal. You can check that out by clicking the link in my signature or by clicking here.
  5. ancap

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    I love those inside the res pics! My favorite picture to take and look at. I feel like Im using an endoscope or peering into a world where no man may go...
  6. ancap

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    Your journal is making me anxious to get back into the flowering stage again! I've just got some babies right now. Started another journal. Did I read that you sell your crop to the clubs? I take it you are in a med mj state then... not the same for me. I am very interested to know how that...
  7. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    This is grow #2 for me in my BC Northern Lights Producer where I will once again be growing the famous Northern Lights strain feminized. I chose this strain because of its forgiving nature, high yield and good quality. One of the best overall strains in my opinion. You can check out my first...
  8. ancap

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Stillcantroll, I used AN Sensizym during my producer grow and never had root problems, not even a little. I also used AN Piranha Powder and Tarantula Powder which both contain beneficial bacteria. I'm no expert so I can't attribute causation of healthy roots to these products, but it might be...
  9. ancap

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    Hey Smacc... looks like you are going to have some space issues like me. Trust me, tying down is a huge pain in the ass! It is a daily project and a daily struggle to keep them tied and low enough to avoid damage. If you think they have lots of stretching to go, including top cola development...
  10. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Glad the conversation has continued.... Nice looking plants smokedup. Did you do anything to modify your box to include more airstones? Im very interested in doing something like that with my box. If you have, please give me some instructions if you don't mind. My second grow has begun and...
  11. ancap

    Producer ?'s

    Yes. I am very happy so far.
  12. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Here's how I ended on my first run.... I was only able to fill my producer with plants to half capacity. I then did a terrible job controling height on this batch and burned half my crop. While harvesting I found a good ounce of wet bud that was lost to cobweb mold. Despite these setbacks, I...
  13. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 54 Flowering Its been a couple weeks since I've changed the res. I can't tell you how busy I've been with my business. It has also been discouraging how tall these plants grew. Completely my fault. Newbie mistake. I see a lot of orange hairs and nute damaged leaves. I changed the res this...
  14. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 48 Flowering I don't have new pictures to post right now because the buds are mostly pressed up against the screen where it is difficult to access them (and I don't have the time to mess with it right now). I see a lot of orange hairs, but Im not sure when I should think about harvesting...
  15. ancap

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    So far I haven't had any problems with odor. I've been actually keeping the door open during the day sometimes just to control humidity (live in Florida). I've only really grown one strain, but so far I really really like Northern Lights. They produce fat buds, taste great, get you really...
  16. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Yes, it does not exhaust enough air and it does not fit the unit. I've taken it off completely as you can see. I'd rather smell up my room than get bud rot!
  17. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 36 Flowering These plants have been sucking up lots of water. It feels like Ive been adding more than a gallon a day to the res. The buds seem to be fattening up, and some have expanded into the glass which is mushing them (they are too far back to try to tie down). I definitely lossed a...
  18. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Oh. I'll take a picture of it next time I update. I had difficulty attaching mine too.
  19. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Yeah, it was really worrying me. Smacc, not sure what you mean.
  20. ancap

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    Yeah, it's all about learning and improving for the next grow. Don't worry about no one commenting on your grow. There are lots of lurkers out there who are currently reading and also those who might really be assisted by your grow log in the future. I know I would have loved to have seen more...