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  1. ancap

    Health Care Bill Moves Forward

    There are definitely alternative choices, but I tend to be very pessimistic about the chances of reversing the trend of government growth. I am one that believes the system must play itself out until it collapses.
  2. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 17 Flowering Clones are dead. Now I have to start thinking about buying new seeds and starting from scratch. I really like Northern Lights so far. They have been extremely simple to grow, forgiving of mistakes and has produced vigorous amounts of growth. However, I'm leaning towards...
  3. ancap

    Health Care Bill Moves Forward

    I don't think people want to lose more freedom and choice, but they are willing to give up freedom for what they perceive to be the only way to achieve affordable and accessible healthcare, something all rational people want. That's the answer to your questions. I think it's truly sad that...
  4. ancap

    Health Care Bill Moves Forward

    I think we want the same thing... The most people covered for as little money as possible. I think we also would agree that there should be some entity that looks after the medical needs of impoverished people. For me, the only way to build this kind of system in any kind of sustainable way...
  5. ancap

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    My box is brand new, but I've had no problems at all. You may want to ask user Nodrama though, as he's had one of these boxes for some time now.
  6. ancap

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    I'm having space issues right now too. I've been bending like crazy trying to keep the tops from hitting the lights.
  7. ancap

    Health Care.... The myth... and reality.

    Our healthcare system in the US is beginning to rot from the inside out with little hope of recovery. More government in healthcare will only make it rot faster. I say let's just get it over with so the system can collapse and we can have a chance at starting over with something actually...
  8. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 15 Flowering Smokedup, let me answer your question with pictures, and you can let me know how it looks...
  9. ancap

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    What's going on Smacc? How's everything going?
  10. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Yeah, you were right! I should have flipped them sooner. I shut off the hps lights and left the veg light on. BCNL also advised me to trim some of the lower leaves as well.
  11. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 14 Flowering Clones seem to be dying. That makes 5 unsuccessful attempts. I have a total of 4-5 inches of clearance left on the top of the grow chamber before the plants start hitting the glass. This is a bit of a concern, as I've read that vertical growth could continue for another...
  12. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    I know! It's killing me! I just want them to stop growing... Yes, co2 is running, but I'm shutting it off. rik, I don't know that I'd agree that it sounds like a washing machine :) . It's in my room, and don't know if I'd be able to sleep if it were that loud! It's definitely louder than a...
  13. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    HMTH, I feel like if you really wanted a straight forward answer to your question, you wouldn't throw out such an abstract term, frame it in a "yes" or "no" question, refuse to define your term and then expect a simple response. That doesn't seem a little strange to you? Have I misrepresented...
  14. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    You are correct, "spirit" can mean quite a few things, and I highly doubt you would question that the term is highly nuanced, no? When you starve yourself for two weeks and then introduce psychoactive substances to your body, is it at all possible that whatever you experience is a complex and...
  15. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    HMTH, I suspect that you might be simply baiting people on this thread to frusterate them with circular questioning just for your kicks. However, because I honestly don't think you're a moron (and hope you are not trolling), let me answer every single question you might be asking when you ask...
  16. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Padawan, You have no grounds on which to even begin answering this question he posed because he refuses to establish a mutually agreeable definition of the term "spirit". I have a crystal ball in front of me... This conversation will go absolutely nowhere for both parties, except for leading...
  17. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Thanks! I enjoyed it! :peace:
  18. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    I withdraw from the "spirit" conversation. :???:
  19. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Did you register with rollitup yesterday just to troll? This site is for discussion and debate. If you are just here to bother people, please leave. Ignored...