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  1. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Yeah, just not sure why the roots aren't growing on some.
  2. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 25 Four of the eight plants are really starting to explode. The common denominator between all the biggest plants is the massive root growth. The smaller plants have yellower leaves on the bottom and the roots are just not wanting to grow down yet. The leaves are also drooping. My pH...
  3. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    Nodrama, Who do you buy your gold from? An investment firm? Or do you have it locked away somewhere where you can get to it?
  4. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    Sure, this example is wildly incomplete and leaves one asking more questions than it answers. It's like trying to explain the free market to someone who has never heard of it. This is almost impossible to do because it is such a massively complex social organism, but that doesn't mean it doesn't...
  5. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    The Rapist Let us imagine what might happen to a rapist in a stateless society. All general DRO contracts will include “rape protection,” since DROs will want to avoid incurring the medical, psychological and income costs of a rape for one of their own customers. Part of “rape protection”...
  6. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    Well, let me first say that you are finally asking the great, important questions that I was hoping you would ask from the beginning. My biggest problem with your position thus far has been your reluctance to approach these ideas (which you admit are "wonderful") with more curiosity. No one...
  7. ancap

    Ron Paul is a joke

    This is not exactly true in practice. Look how long we've lived with absolutely dangerous marijuana policies in this country. It's clear as day how manipulative liars and controlling, mostly religious fucks have used the government to enforce their preferences on us. It's taken 60+ years to...
  8. ancap

    Ron Paul is a joke

    I think Ron Paul is a very brilliant guy from what can see, but I don't think this ship can't be turned around unfortunately. People have been trying to slow government growth from the moment it started growing, and it has never worked. There are too many intrenched special interests to...
  9. ancap

    Ron Paul is a joke

    I don't mean this disparagingly, but I'm going to guess that you have never run a business.
  10. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    Once I begin taking distributions from my business, I'm going to begin investing more in gold. Don't really know though. It's probably something I should start looking into more.
  11. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    I don't mean to put words in your mouth, but I am trying to define your fundamental arguments. Feel free to correct me where you feel I misrepresent you. 1. The current system is a form of salvery whereby we cannot choose to voluntarily disassociate with the central power. 2. A society...
  12. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    My head hurts!!!! :-x
  13. ancap

    Tax Pot to pay for healthecare?

    The federal budget has increased 40x since the 1930's adjusting for inflation. Don't you realize that the government only needs a little more money to fix everything?
  14. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Hmmm, we shall see when the bill comes due. I was using a growers energy calculator.
  15. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    Yeah, I'd leave them out of that too.
  16. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    This is an estimate based on the following... Approximately one month KWH of $0.12 800 Watts of MH or HPS lighting 125 Watts of CFL lighting 937 Watts of portable a/c (only calculating additional usage) 20 hour cycle = increase in $117.71 12 hour cycle = increase in $63.57 Notes: -It...
  17. ancap

    If you could start this country over....

    Not sure what you mean by this. Like I said before, Americans who love their chains are addicted, and do not need their addiction enabled. I suppose you are saying it is hopeless to advocate for freedom. The thing is, I don't need to achieve a free society in order to be a successful advocate...
  18. ancap

    If you could start this country over....

    Founding your social order on violence will only ensure that the violence grows. Don't expect that piece of paper called the constitution to save you. This government beast has never been cut down to size despite great efforts, it only grows until it dies. We can only hope it doesn't kill us in...
  19. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    Are you saying that I should not advocate for true freedom because it is too difficult to achieve? You seem to suggest that one should advocate for the RIGHT thing only if there is a chance of achieving this thing. It's like a slave saying to another slave, "Stop wishing for freedom, it will...