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  1. B

    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    These are the before and after pics from when my baby got sick. The first three are of one of the ones that went hermie on me and the other ones are of my little princess, who shall be sacraficed a virgin in the near future :twisted:.
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    First Time Growing in a New Enviroment

    I started this grow about 4 months back now. About 2 months back maybe a little less, my babies ran into some trouble but I was luckily able to rivive them thanks to some advice on here but has caused this grow to take a little longer than anticipated. You can read about my problems here...
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    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    If it's budding and you have the odd ball (in the flowers I take it?) then it could be a seed in the early stages of development. Did you have any males in with your girls at any time?
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    Thanks for that. That makes it a lot clearer. Sounds easy enough. What AG nutes did you use or find best for growing pot as I can't get any other nutes for hydroponics/aeroponoics ?
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    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Hard to tell without pics. Put up some pics. Balls, though, are usually a sign it's male. If it is, you'll have to get rid of it or it'll pollinate your females and the buds will be full of seeds.
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    I heard/read the new deluxe model, the AeroGarden 200, has full control over everything including the lights. Is that not true? Also, what's a figure 8 cord?
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    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Yeah, I know 100% peat moss is not the best thing to grow in but at the time it was all that was available to me. I have something else now that is a peat moss, soil, perlite mix which should be better.
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    Bumpity bump
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    Bumpity bump
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    I posted this in the general gardening forum and then noticed this forum so I thought I'd post it here a well. I have been doing some research on the net about Aero Gardens and have pretty much decided to get one. I just thought I'd ask what your opinions of them are? Any advantages or...
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    I have been doing some research on the net about Aero Gardens and have pretty much decided to get one. I just thought I'd ask what your opinions of them are? Any advantages or disadvantages? I have read about the noise problem quite a few people have had with the pumps but noise won't really...
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    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Two of my girls have now also become guys :evil::cry::cry::wall:. Bloody hermies!
  13. B

    Alternatives To Molasses???

    Was able to get a hold of dark brown sugar. I put about two table spoons to two liters of water and started using that last night. Was two table spoons to two liters of water too little, too much or just right?
  14. B

    Clone Lighting and Times???

    Thanks. How do you work out how much 1.0 e.c/700ppm would be when mixing it with water?
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    Clone Lighting and Times???

    I forgot to ask, should I be giving them nutes now? I only have them in peat moss which is what I usually put my seeds straight into to germinate. They're good for the first three weeks at least before I have to give them any nutes. Will they clones be the same?
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    Clone Lighting and Times???

    I haven't heard about the cutting the edges of the larger leaves before. I have looked at quite a few photos of clones on here and sah a few photos of clones withe the larger leaves having the centre finger(?) of the leave cut in half. Maybe they're thinking the same thing. What do you mean...
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    Clone Lighting and Times???

    Anyone else have any tips or advice? or do I have it right?
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    Clone Lighting and Times???

    I'm about to take some clones. Probably three. I'm also planting some seeds I got my hands on, Thai Bud. The original good quality shit you used to be able to find everywhere but is very difficult to find these days. Not the pressed stuff you find everywhere in Thailand now. Anyway, I have...
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    Weight After Curing???

    After drying and curing my buds, how much weight will I lose compared to when they were wet? Say I had ten grams of bud cut straight from the plant, how much will I have after drying and curing?
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    Alternatives To Molasses???

    Thanks for all your help.