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  1. B

    Nutes Question???

    The only nutes I have available to me with the info on it that I need are a slow release nute. Getting other nutes is out of the question right now and aren't available around here anyway, at least any that tells you what's in it. What do guys think of this for both veg and flowering? N P...
  2. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    I'll ask this question again cause I didn't get an answer last time. How long after they've recovered do you reckon I should wait bofore I switch to a 12/12 light cycle for budding?
  3. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Those photos make it look like more than it really is. Those bags second shelf from the bottom are just different size stones for putting on top of your soil to make it look pretty. So really, there are two differnt types of potting mix. There was only one type last time I went in, lol. There...
  4. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    You got it on your second guess. It's Korea. I've tried asking them but all I get is "I don't know" or "they're not allowed to tell where they get their stuff." As for using the internet, that would be too much of a give away for this country. Almost all foreigner mail is opened by customs...
  5. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Oh, I forgot to ask. How long after they've recovered do you reckon I should wait bofore I switch to a 12/12 light cycle for budding?
  6. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Here are three photos of the entire garden section at my local supermarket/department store (it's combined into one store). This is the only place where gardening supplies are available to me. The garden shops here only sell flowers and potted plants but no supplies. I have tried to get stuff...
  7. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    I'll try and get a photo this weekend when I'm in there. My big problem is everything is written in another language and hardly anyone here speaks English, and those that do would have no idea what I'm talkng about as they have limited English. I'm not in a part of the country where the major...
  8. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Thanks for all your help guys! My babies are bouncing back a treat. YIPPIE!!! I gave them a real good flushing and they started to look a lot better. Let it go for about 5 days,then went shopping and came across a slow release nute that actually had what is in it written on the bottle. First...
  9. B

    Seed shell on plant

    It happened to me on this grow. Had three seeds come through, two were fine, the shells came off before they came up through the ground. The third however, had the shell stuck on really well. I tried water to get it off, no luck. After two weeks with the shell not coming off, I thought it'd...
  10. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    I realize what they need. Unfortunately, I'm in a country where these things just aren't available. They do have fertilizer available but don't list what is in it on the pack. It'll say for flowers or for vegetables but that's it. That's why I have been using the spray on stuff that I got...
  11. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    I'm using about 6 to 8 drops per litre whther it's foliar or normal watering. Should I be using less or more? Thanks for all the advice everyone.
  12. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    I let them go bone dry as they had been over watered and have been watering them every third or fourth day since. I also spray them with water as well. All my water has super thrive added to it.
  13. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    A tiny bit on top of the peat moss, which I removed most of when I thought there was some nute burn. Other then that i use a spray nute about once every two weeks. The bottle says to use it once a week.
  14. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    Haven't given them any nutes for two weeks now as I thought there might have been a bit of over fertilizing. Actually, I gave them a light spray last night with some nutes cause it had been a while. Didn't give them much though.
  15. B

    Leaves curling under and in on themselves, also yellowing-HELP PLEASE. with pics

    The leaves are yellowing and curling under and in on themselves. The lower leaves seem to be yellowing and the top leaves are curling in and under on themselves. I've had these for about 7 weeks now in veg under some flourescents. They were growing fine until about two weeks ago when they were...