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  1. Integra21

    Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

    that is definitly a small pot. Usually you want a minimum of a gallon or two pot size for flowering. It is too late to transplant now, but next run, bump it up about a week or two before flower.
  2. Integra21

    Organic Montana Medical Grow

    It is a very neat idea that i could see really helping plants on the edges that only get limited light on one side. But the drawback is limitations in the amounts of plants you can have, since they need room to spin, you cant really pack them in there. Love the innovation, see this doing great...
  3. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks alot. Just wait till the next batch gets going.
  4. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Nirvanah has pretty good strains at good prices and many people have had great results with them. I am working on their blue mystic right now. My other seeds came from who I had great luck. got exactly what i wanted from them with some freebies in under 2 weeks. My next...
  5. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Its really just about finding a good nutrient mix for your girld and having an OK light. The rest just kind of does itself. But practice makes perfect, and I still havent gotten that just right yet. But with time, I'm sure I will. Thanks for the kind words
  6. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    That sounds about right. "Keep on keepin on"Joe Dirt.
  7. Integra21

    10,000 Watt Grow.........

    Looking good. Cant wait to see the rest.
  8. Integra21

    Organic Montana Medical Grow

    Looking great GTO. Thats the shit dreams are made of. Glad to see your girls doing so well. Keep it up and keep us posted, your always one of my favorites to come visit.
  9. Integra21

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    By the looks of this, your goin to have a solid sheet of buds. Make sure you have enough air circulation for that. You dont want no bud mold. It sucks. Fantastic job by the way. Looking better than ever Cruzer.
  10. Integra21

    Dwc Grow Club

    6.5 is too high. You want it to be ideally between 5.8-6.0 Generally more towards the 5.8 side during veg and towards the 6.0 side during flower. 6.5 is at the furthes end of the acceptable side, and with dwc, it is generally better to be a little low than high.
  11. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks guys. And research pays off. Spent more time doing that than building the room by a lot
  12. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Oh, for got the begening. It doesn't smell like mangos at all. If you touch it it has that trademark fresh resin smell that has been pretty similar with all of my girls.
  13. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    The valve in the corner I picked up at the local grow shop for $2.50. It is ment for 1/2" tubing and requires a 7/8" hole to be drilled. here's a link:
  14. Integra21

    10,000 Watt Grow.........

    Can we get an update Please? Just seems like there hasnt been one in a while.
  15. Integra21

    Tom's 400 watt Growing Odyssey

    Looking good. Love how healthy the roots are.
  16. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks Funk. Glad you dig it. And I feel your pain about the mites. The Plan for me is a complete tear down and rebuild when this mango finishes. Those little bastards have taken a toll on me. Caused me to loose 2 of my moms and have to try to get them back with the beans I got left. R.I.P. Blue...
  17. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Well, with any luck, It will exceed it's former glory, but only time will tell with that one. Glad you liked the timeline bob. Still anxiously waiting for your girls to show their colors.
  18. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks alot. Hopefully it will look super sweet again soon. I am really looking forward to trying this Mango out, I have never had a fruity smoke before.
  19. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Thanks for stopping by and your a trooper for reading it all. Not an easy task. I have always been considering advanced nutrrients but there have been two things stopping me. 1, the grow store I go to doesnt sell them, and the one that does is an hour drive away, 2, I priced out and put together...
  20. Integra21

    Balls Out First Grow(Whie Widow Scrog, 430w Son Agro Aircooled, DWC, CO2)

    Hi there, and thanks for stopping by. Never mind answering questions so here we go... 1st I shopped around and got great prices and also didnt have to pay for my first genetics(White Widow) so the first run cost about $1200.00usd. 2nd I had no help with the design or construction on this...