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  1. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    something ice could have been doing better lol, don't know how you let em get so bad rasclot ## at least now you know what mite damage looks like, webs means they are taking hold, time to get rid i'd say, can't you fill it with some of those little veg plants you got? and we all need more...
  2. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    thrips are nowt to worry about, they are tough to eradicate but don't do much damage imo. i also notice that thrips and mites don't get along so i would rather have the thrips any day. anybody doing anything out of the ordinary today?
  3. grievous bodily harm

    Question about Light cycle during veg

    if a plant is in veg you can pretty much do as you like with the light cycle and it will not be too badly affected. within reason of course. when you switch to 12/12 however the plants can be confused if you cut short the dark period, if you have to change the time for any reason during flower...
  4. grievous bodily harm

    ❧❦ Jad3's Haven ❦❧

    what kind of results you getting with a 150w light? i know it's a small tent but surely you could get a more powerful light in there! also interested to see what a diagonal scrog is, any pics?
  5. grievous bodily harm

    Using Canna A + B

    i use 4ml/l in late veg and early flower, 2ml/l in mid flower and 1ml/l at the end of flower. there was a time that i made a feed schedule for a friend and missed a decimal point off so he was giving ten times the recommended dose, the plants didn't get affected ( was only for a couple of...
  6. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    how is the gringo going sae? i sprouted a couple of GTH beans shawny and the two females of the bilberry i have are due to go in 12/12 any minute now. 5 month veg anyone!!! they look like autos ,gonna be very fast finishers i think, been shooting preflowers for weeks, look like they are forming...
  7. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    sorry for the loss of a friend gaz, it's tragic to rob the people who care about you of your presence, i wish there were more ways for people who are struggling with demons to get help. i know of people who have had everything a man could dream of kill themselves in the most horrific and violent...
  8. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    go for it lad, send us a post card eh?
  9. grievous bodily harm

    1200w 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m 4 plants 30 oz goal

    1200w will give you 30+ easily! unfortunately for your "buddy" there is only so much you can cram in to a 4x4 area. it is possible but you will run into problems like powdery mildew and mold if you cram them in too tight. not to mention only the very top buds will be any good the rest will be...
  10. grievous bodily harm

    I think I'm retarded!!!

    e.c is so much more simple than ppms, i don't blame you for going cross eyed trying to work it out. a blue lab truncheon is the best bit of kit i have owned, they last for years!! 0.6 ec tap water does seem a bit high but not extreme, i have had mine test 0.4 many times before adding nutes
  11. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    you a millwall or chelsea fan or somthing, whats with the love for blue strains sae? i think they are all the same lol. i've got that shitty cold too, look like i've been on an 8 days coke sesh with my hooter.
  12. grievous bodily harm

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    your attitude is all wrong. if you want people to offer honest and helpful advice you are going about it in a fucked up way. maybe take a little trip to noob central and ask there but i'm sure there isn't going to be many people offering you help if you keep talking shit like that.
  13. grievous bodily harm

    do you need a cooltube for a gro tent

    no, but depending on where you are in the world and how your setup will be placed then it could certainly help you.
  14. grievous bodily harm

    lumii digital ballast

    it lessens the life of the bulb and makes a blowout more likely surely? i also find that towards the end of flowering (with every strain i have grow) they need less light not more, i would say around weeks 1-4 of flower is when you need that maximum intensity, buds really don't like intense...
  15. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    making a tin foil hat to send out to you sae!!
  16. grievous bodily harm

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    it is purely strain dependant. i have flipped plants at 5" tall with no nodes, just a stick with a leaf set on the top, these are generally high yielding strains from the skunk family. other varieties can grow very little in flower so need that boost in veg before being flipped. ideally you...
  17. grievous bodily harm

    Sea-of-Green: Grams per inch thread

    maximum yield per m3 in a short growing area ( less than 6ft high) = sea of green growing ( lots of single cola plants) maximum yield per m3 in a tall but confined growing space = vertical grow ( lots of single cola plants stacked on shelves) maximum yield per m3 in a large grow area (...
  18. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fyi grays aint the countryside mate lololol
  19. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    he lives in a house, a very big house in the cuntry!
  20. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i've been a lazy cunt lem, the grows have been slacking due to being so busy with legal work lol. been bladdering the same old strains too long now. time for something new to be honest.