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  1. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    is icemale lem or you just answering his questions now? :P N is for when they go yellow, high N level can inhibit root growth so i wouldn't give them raw N unless they are desperate, you want roots before anything is added imo. alright lemon you slayyyyyyggg
  2. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    he is from glasgow remember, probly 38. stop fucking kids if it fucks with yer head tiptop
  3. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    ice is dangling the carrot for you sae, think he is waiting for you to give him a bit of hand relief or summit. give him the bag you tight cunt, god knows you won't be using them to send out samples fr the boys!!! lol
  4. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    the trick is to do it before it needs doing ice, around week 3, after the main stretch but before the buds all join up. trying to do anything with a plant covered in resin is a nightmare lol. just getting the crimbo crops lined up, thank fuck we are going in to winter, the next two are gonna be...
  5. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    makes a good sig sae
  6. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    they are willing to work for less than an english person, hard to compete in business with people undercutting you. us greedy brits and not wanting to sacrifice our lavish way of life are to blame, ooooh these foreign devils! they want us out of the serious growing forum, makes sense really
  7. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    pop down the corner shop for some dried fish and when you get back the posts are gone, what's the world coming to?
  8. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    tiptop will you just go out and kill some random dark person already. the rage is spilling out of you man, it's not you :P
  9. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    just had a nice milkshake
  10. grievous bodily harm

    Club 600

    from breast augmentation to bunion removal and everything in between. come to the U.K we'd love to have you:hug:
  11. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    if it happens again make sure you don't take it back. i've had a 2 different fords both have the same problem, you wouldn't wan't your wife in the car with the kids when it happens, scary having no power steering in these modern vehicles. they banned qwerty too, lol
  12. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i'd be likely to believe you on that squirty, i know you're a man of advanced speak on the subject. just finished off the first coat of the sealant on the drive way, high as a kite of the stuff.o_O cheese joint and a hearty brekky in order
  13. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    no fucking doubt, that shawny will try owt, be on the yabba next! saw a kid in thailand playing twister on his own, think he had dropped one of these
  14. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fuck i forgot you worked in a bookies, bet they get half the wages back, fuck it off!. then you were unlucky yesterday, i was taking the piss out of your 3-3 man city bet, in truth it could have been 5-5 lol
  15. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    lol, the zlh in dire need of topping or cropping etc, it's a beanstalk!
  16. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i hope you only put a quid on it lol. i bet you a grand to a tenner it don't end 3-3 :hump:
  17. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    betting on football is a waste of time surely, especially the prem. betting against anybody who has a million times more money than you is also a very bad idea. but then, each to his own i suppose, i regularly blow money on things that would offend most.
  18. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i want to skype first just to make sure it's legit yeah?! ok guys this one is defo legit
  19. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    get er done sae, got mine all done last sat/sun, no harvests til crimbo now :(. bit of diy for me today then off to see the fambo later. my cousin is back from spain, been on the spanish shite for a couple years so he's been on already after some u.k grown love
  20. grievous bodily harm

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i'll take ten please, ten cracks and a heroine, just sent you 6 grand on paypal :P