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  1. ancap

    why do you want the government?

    I apologize if I read into defensiveness that wasn't there. It seemed to me that you were being very snarky, but maybe not. I don't know the answer to what the cost would be in a free market situation, but the cost would certainly be lower than it is now. It has been proven undeniably that a...
  2. ancap

    why do you want the government?

    I'd add that if you want a "government" in a free society, this government cannot control a given territory unless it has purchased this land from the free market. Good luck sustaining this government voluntarily though. Once people see how much more prosperous the outside society is, they will...
  3. ancap

    why do you want the government?

    Maybe you're not familiar with our current postal system, and that's OK, but there really is no need for you to be defensive since I was just stating a fact. The US Postal Service has a government enforced monopoly on first class mail. Other companies such as UPS and FedEx are allowed to...
  4. ancap

    why do you want the government?

    I don't know how a monopoly couldn't "own" a particular service. The further a service provider is separated from their customers (i.e any government service), the less accountability that service provider has to deliver a quality service (no pun intended). You have no company to compare the...
  5. ancap

    why do you want the government?

    Cloud City, Don't mean to sound trite, but there is no such thing as free healthcare. The funds first have to be stolen from the productivity of the free market. I'm with you on the size and scope of the military though. There is no need to have a military capable of destroying the earth 12...
  6. ancap

    why do you want the government?

    I think you're right nodrama. That doesn't mean in an ideal stateless society there wouldn't be negative consequences levied on those who abuse their children, but the idea that any law prevents an abusive parent from abusing their children is a little stupid (pardon the simple adjective).
  7. ancap

    why do you want the government?

    Libertarians have never been effective when using the argument from efficiency, though they are absolutely right in that every service the government provides could be better provided by the private sector... every single one. No exceptions. If you claim to agree with the non-aggression...
  8. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Well, I haven't had a pH pen for about a week now (it broke). The pH in my system seems to raise slowly though, so I was adjusting just about daily. Lately though, I've had to take a water sample to the hydro store to test just to make sure I'm not completely out of whack. To answer your...
  9. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 28 Im slowly raising my ppm now that the plants are really thriving. Currently my nutrient ppm is 340. Half of my plants are on track and bushing out, while the others were stunted from slow root growth (though they are now back on the rails and growing well). Big Plants...
  10. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    I currently have four plants that are about a week ahead of the others in growth. I'm thinking about topping them when they get about 12" tall to give the other plants some time to catch up before switching over to the flower cycle. Tell me what you think about this strategy. I'm getting ready...
  11. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    You guys think I should top my plants? I'm growing 8 plants in a box designed to support 18 plants, so I do have extra space. I'd like to bush these girls out a bit so I can utilize all the available light. Also, your suggestion to reposition the struggling plants over the airstones has...
  12. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Dude, I can't wait to start flowering! This was my plant at 14 days veg. Yours looks a lot stronger. Is that because you started from clone? I also only had the CFL on it at this point.
  13. ancap

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    When the currency collapses, the government will not be able to fund its operations. Other countries will not lend our government money when this happens because there is no tax base left to leverage against the loan (no guarantee of repayment). Call it what you want. Certainly in this...
  14. ancap

    In The Future There Will Be A One World Gov't And It Will Be Internet Based!

    Realizing you are Jesus has got to be either the best or worst day of your life!
  15. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    That's cool man. Just want to lay out all the factors for other people who might be interested in the product. It definitely isn't cheap though. :peace:
  16. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Cool. I'll see if I can rotate some of those plants closer to the airstones. I paid $3400 for the box, plus shipping, extra lights and seeds. I'm not paying just for the end product, if that makes sense. If the box costs $1000 just to build, I am paying the extra $2400 for... A. The labor...
  17. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    That wouldn't help the plants that don't have roots in the water right? It would only help the plants that have long roots, but are still struggling a bit. Am I right?
  18. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    lol, awesome! Sometimes I think I may have gone crazy spending so much money. My pH pen is now reading all over the place, so I can't use it. BCNL has a new one on the way to me. In the mean time, I'm going to take a water sample to my hydro store and have them test it for me to make sure I'm...