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  1. theleach

    help!! first grow

    Good luck man, i wouldnt spend too much time fretting over getting every last thing someone says you need. As long as you got a decent amount of light, decent soil, a little nutes, and water and you should do fine. Just make sure you give the right amount of light and water and itll grow. It is...
  2. theleach

    The Getting Back/In Shape Thread

    Basically the question at hand is would GSP be able to cross 'no mans land' aka stand with silva when he isnt pounding him on his back. Theres no question he could throw silva down and easily pound him, but look what happened to chael.
  3. theleach

    How bad are cfls for your eyes?

    I mean like, how bad are they to stare at for small periods of time. I heard they also emit something that can hurt your eyes if your close for too long?
  4. theleach

    First grow!!! Small Cab CFL's

    Lookin good bro. So similar to my setup. Haha
  5. theleach

    Saliva or indica? Male or female?

    Haha salvia. Let us not speak of the plant from another dimension...
  6. theleach

    How bad are cfls for your eyes?

    Just wondering how bad they are to look at?
  7. theleach

    whos that mmy names terry u fuckin tard shutup

    whos that mmy names terry u fuckin tard shutup
  8. theleach

    I Hate Moles!

    I dont understand, how does a small brown growth on somebodies face fuck with your garden? Whos mole is it? How is that possible? Hahaha im just kiddin... if i were you id set up some traps or like he said above put down some poison... but im not a big poison guy if i were you id stick with...
  9. theleach

    If Sharia Law comes to America

    I hate pigs.... but i love bacon.......
  10. theleach

    Stealth Grow Box- 2nd GROW!! (papaya)

    Im guessing you could, ive never done it myself but i imagine it would just take a while to get it back to veg, and possibly stress the plant out a bit.
  11. theleach


    Yeah haha... it really is kind of common sense. I usually wait around two weeks since sprouting until i add a light amount of nutes.
  12. theleach

    Spider Not Spider Mites

    if i catch a spider on one of my buds i just chuck it on in my bowl and smoke that shit, gives me a little buzz
  13. theleach

    White Widow and Afghan Kush Harvest

    Wow, looking nice bro..... was that greenhouses' white widow?
  14. theleach

    Can Your Grow be Found Using Google? Read This

    Lol youd think if google earth was that good theyd have found bin laden awhile ago.... no but seriously they cant see shit with google earth and secondly bin laden has been dead for awhile, this is just all bs to get obama another fucking election and who knows what else
  15. theleach

    Sick as fuck plant i just bought!

    That shit looks crazy lool
  16. theleach

    Not releasing OSAMA Piks cuz of SENSITIVITY? WTF?

    Did you know that osama was really a genie
  17. theleach

    Yellowing Leafs

    Yea give em a lil bit extra probably wont hurt her
  18. theleach

    Winning!!! What's your favorite Sheenism?

    Hahahahaha WINNING
  19. theleach

    Any canadians up in here?

    Whattttuppppp guysssss bein a stranger sucks
  20. theleach

    Please help, halfway through flower, spots on leaves, burnt tips, yellowing leaves

    thanks for the reply, and yes im pretty sure i somewhat fixed the nitrogen problem because the rest of the leaves are staying green except for a few minor fan leaves that are only just starting to yellow. Ive been testing the PH and it stays at 7, both the soil and what i feed it. Im pretty...