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  1. theleach


    Att'l do pig
  2. theleach

    Any Nova Scotians in the house???C'MONNNNNNN!!!!!

    You aren't kidding lol. Rough times here lately. Hali is a mess. Shits so damn overpriced.
  3. theleach

    Nova Scotia weed. worst weed in Canada.

    But yeah, trailer park boys is actually kind of accurate to the average stoners and drinkers i know around here . lol our crew is so much like them its ridiculous.
  4. theleach

    Nova Scotia weed. worst weed in Canada.

    I feel ya bro. Hali fuckin sucks. Can get pretty decent herb but its expensive as fuck no matter how much you get
  5. theleach

    hairs turning brown 3.5 weeks into flower?

    Oh and by the way..... MAC! .. MAAAAACCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. theleach

    hairs turning brown 3.5 weeks into flower?

    Nothing to worry about. It normal for them to start turning brown around almost halfway through. She'll probably start spending alot of energy on sugar now and start fattening up.
  7. theleach

    need help please!

    Hmm depends what the smells like. Ive had girls that gave off almost a garbagey smell, lol. But it was good at the same time. If it truly smells BAD, then id watch how much your watering her/give her a good check for mold/mildew. What strain is it?
  8. theleach

    will my buds get bigger?

    Yes, just keep er going till the leaves start dying / she uses up all her nutrients. The bud should definitly thicken out more too, ive never actually grown an auto but your girl definitly doesnt look finished
  9. theleach

    any strain suggestions for a 1st time grow?

    The Church - Greenhouse seeds. Cheap, easy as hell. Mold resistant, can grow bomb indoors and out, even in bad climates. Believe its Skunk, super skunk, northern lights, and swiss sativa.
  10. theleach

    Any Nova Scotians in the house???C'MONNNNNNN!!!!!

    Where all the nova scotians at
  11. theleach

    my first grow

    Haha, if only i could compare your first grow with mine. Mine was like one small branch off one of those
  12. theleach

    Do you really need to trim?

    I didn't think you needed the leaves to grow bud. I thought the bud simply grew off the stem like a twinkie.... lol jk
  13. theleach

    Penalties in Canada for growing 1 plant?

    Im wondering with the whole new crime bill and all what the penalties would be if any for growing a single plant.
  14. theleach

    I am a marijuana addict

    Have the same problem. I have even quit on and off for a few months here and there, and no matter what the insomnia wouldnt go away. Dont understand it myself.
  15. theleach

    Check out my girls (they won't disappoint)

    They sure dont disapoint. Damn, good job!
  16. theleach

    when to harvest??

    Yeah thats not a bad idea, shes looking pretty ripe. You could probly do another week but it depends on what kind of high/smoke you prefer. Looking great though, good job.
  17. theleach

    Why I am voting for Romney

    Dont vote. Its fucking pointless
  18. theleach

    How much longer???

    Id say 2 weeks. Looking great though dude. What strain?
  19. theleach

    911 conspiracy theory

    INSIDE FUCKING JOB! Ive spent enough fucking time learning science and physics in school to just dismiss everything i know to be true because ''the government says so''
  20. theleach

    How bad are cfls for your eyes?

    Haha, im the same way. Ill come in from a joint and just find myself staring for a good twenty minutes drooling until i clue in.