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  1. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 18 I attached pictures of the plants and root development below. I am now using both MH lights and ducted (verb?) the exhaust out a window to keep the temperature under control. I also have my portable a/c unit keeping the room cool. If you are following along, please take a look at the...
  2. ancap

    Taxes, are there other ways?

    I think Rob Roy touched on this, but I'd like to answer in the form of a question... Is it ethical for a group of people to forcefully take over and monopolize every social service, and then force you to pay to use those essential services in the absense of choice and competition? Of course we...
  3. ancap

    Taxes, are there other ways?

    Radiate, thank you for presenting your questions and objections in a curious manner. I think this thread has a really constructive tone (more so in the beginning). Great posts from Rob Roy, undertheice, laserbrn and nodrama! First I would say that the burden of proof for alternatives needs...
  4. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Every statement? Every single one is false? I didn't even luck out on one statement? :sad: Let's be clear, I fully understand what you are saying. If you make the assumption that governments are ethically legitimate, voluntary organizations not fueled on violence, what you are saying would...
  5. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 16 These "grow notes" are just going to be posts from time to time that make note of some details of my grow for my own personal interest. Fed once today. Changed lights to one 400 watt MH Bumped light cycle from 18/6 to 20/4 Nute ppm = 335 Notes: I switched my 125 watt CFL for...
  6. ancap

    Thanks, that means a lot. Its amazing to see how frustrated people can get by simply being...

    Thanks, that means a lot. Its amazing to see how frustrated people can get by simply being confronted with truth and logic! I'm interested to see what their fundamental beliefs ars, behind all the language only tinged with bigotry. If youre willing to say out loud "by getting married you are...
  7. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 14 The plants are looking very good and growing fast. Eight of the nine look really good. The struggling one is still extremely stunted. I'm only leaving it to see what it does. The splotchy plant is still splotchy. It's not the biggest of the bunch, but it does seem to be keeping up...
  8. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Rickwhite, Thank you for posting this article. However, it does not do much to refute the points I made on 10/14 page 10. The claims this article makes are the following... 1. Studies support from a large sample of Americans that children from stable families with two heterosexual parents...
  9. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    I'm not trying to frustrate you with excessive language, but it is important for me to point out that the statement you made contains no argument, so there is nothing for me to address here. You like using the word "right", but given your context, I doubt you really understand what the word...
  10. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    nodrama, Thanks. I decided not to mess with the mh lights on this cycle. I'll just work with what I have and start buying the extras next time. Im going to wait until the roots really start coming through before I add any lights.
  11. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    I think you're absolutely right, doobva. I normally end converserations immediately as soon as I realize the other party is not even willing to take the time to attempt to absorb my thoughts and craft a direct and coherent challenge to the ideas presented. When engaging someone in a conversation...
  12. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Rickwhite, I didn't make any arguments in my last post because you categorically refuse to answer the arguments I have already presented. You claim these arguments are false and contain no substance (are wisecracks). However, you again refuse to single out even ONE argument I have made and...
  13. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Ok, so if my tap is reading 150 ppm after letting it sit out for 24 hours, then I should just subtract out 150 from the total ppm reading in my reservoir. Is this correct?
  14. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Welcome Kronic! Smokedup, yeah the tap water I tested had sat out for nearly 24 hours and had a reading close to 150 ppm.
  15. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Gotcha. I have another question for you about TDS meters. Not sure if you work with one, however, I just bought one pretty cheaply off ebay and just measured the water in my reservior which is reading 415 ppm. Im trying to follow the BCNL grow guide to a tee and their recipe calls for a MAX...
  16. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Why are you flowering your mothers? I thought you pretty much tried to keep them in a perpetual veg state. You say they are 2.5 to 4 feet tall?
  17. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Rickwhite, Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. Responding to your posts point by point is a show of respecting your arguments enough to address each of them. On the other hand, you refuse to pick apart my arguments because I suspect you cannot stand up to each of them individually...
  18. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    No prob! So far so good. Feel free to comment on here whenever. I could use the help. :smile:
  19. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Damn, how big was your white widow when you added one MH? I definitely want to wait until I'm sure they are strong enough to take it. I can probably just wait another week and add one MH. Then I can step that up to two before switching to first week of flower with my two HPS. I still have to...
  20. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Yeah, I sorta kinda got a veg upgrade, but I just ordered a la carte. I purchased the 125 watt cfl from them to eventually set something up in my closet for a mother and clones, but I didn't get the extra MH lights. Do you know why they would advise against running just one bulb? Would...