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  1. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Do you mean descriminates against heterosexuals or those who are against gay marriage? I don't understand how it would decriminate against gays.
  2. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Good point, but allowing legal same sex marriage does not descriminate against anyone, so using the government to vote their freedom back is a perfectly valid option and does not impose anything on any other party. Prohibitionists could say that allowing legal pot smoking is an affront to their...
  3. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    It is the "but" in your sentence that I think hints at the problem. There is nothing wrong with upholding and advocating for ALL the values that are important to you. We all should do that. Just pretty please don't use the government to legislate your values! Man, there are so many children in...
  4. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Do you think that there is a possibility that a better way exists to manage these essential social services in the absense of a centralized government that uses violent force to extract its revenue? If another way was possible that did not necessitate violence, do you think it would be worth...
  5. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Oh, ok. Gotcha. I saw your pics with the entire cube covered and tried to do the same thing, but there is no F-ing way those things are coming out! I'll just cover the tops. By the way, I reattached the veg tray like I had before and put the cubes back up there closer to the light. They look to...
  6. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Sweet! So you must be an anarchist/voluntarist like me! :peace:
  7. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    I'm using Sensizym and Voodoo Juice from AN. Does that do anything to prevent algae? Would I just fill the top of the hydro pots with hydroton? I tried covering the rockwool cubes with foil, but I can't even take the cubes out of the little hydro pots without really squeezing them. They're stuck.
  8. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Rick, I have a few thoughts for Dennis Prager too, so send this along when you get a chance... :) "There are enormous differences between men and women" Sure, but there are no differences between them when it applies to the application of morality. You can also find some physiological...
  9. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Not that you were speaking directly to me, but I'll try to take your thoughts point by point Rick... "Has anyone considered that when we change people's attitudes toward marriage, we change people's attitude toward the traditional family." You would have to do a better job examining why this...
  10. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    LOL. In a strange sense that was sorta what I heard too.
  11. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    I think their main hold up is that if gay people were allowed to be "married", it would magically take something away from their heterosexual marriages, or taint the whole institution of marriage. In order for something to taint something else, the thing doing the tainting must be tainted! Can I...
  12. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Awesome! Thanks! I'll give it a go and post pictures.
  13. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Hey lopezri, I do hope you know that I'm not trying to stir up conflict with you or anyone, but I am just trying to reason and debate from first principles. There's not really much at stake here since none of us are going to directly change the system, but debating is a fun mental exercise. :)...
  14. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Ok, so I just foiled the top. You are saying I should foil the whole cube (minus the bottom) fairly tightly with an X cut for the stem? I would also have to cut a hole for the dripper like shown above right?
  15. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    1. Thanks. I'll keep an eye on this sprout. 2. Is topping off water necessary if I plan on changing out the reservoir weekly? I'm going to be introducing different nutes and strengths with each progressing week of veg and flower. 3. I was thinking of doing this, but do you think it will...
  16. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Smokedup and others, Here is one of my seedlings. This has looked splotchy for several days now compared to the others, but seems to be perky and green. What could be going on here? The picture below is of another seedling for comparison. One more thing... My 125 Watt daylight CFL...
  17. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    I think we might be in complete agreement though our semantics might be different. I think the church can make whatever definitions for whatever words they want. I really don't care, nor do I think the government should dictate these private matters. However, the government has taken the...
  18. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Lopezri, Green Cross is saying that you are to be congratulated as long as you do not advocate a desire to redefine an unfair and prejudiced LEGAL definition to a definition that is inclusive and respectful of all human being's sexual preferences. His argument would be valid only if you were...
  19. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Yes, sexuality and race are exactly the same thing when analogizing how closely each category associates their "members" with the human race. One's sexuality does not detract from one's humanity in the same way that your skin color does not detract from your humanity.
  20. ancap

    What's Wrong With Civil Unions?

    Gays seek as much of a public seal of approval for their lifestyle as marijuana users seek the same "seal of approval" through legalization. I think your mistake is that you are equating a form of legalization to a "public seal of approval". Just because my neighbor is a sky diver and...