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  1. sledsarelife

    Harvest Today. Tell me what you think

    okay heres a update on my girls. today is harvest day i have seen that the tris are all cloudy and im going to be cutting them down. 1st plant was cut 3 days ago because for some reason it was the smallest and was done first. this is my first major grow using auto flower. heres some pics tell me...
  2. sledsarelife

    how much longer?

    i got them from attitude. just make sure u get it guaranteed shipping and if they get taken by customs just send them a pic of the package and they will send u a new one
  3. sledsarelife

    how much longer?

  4. sledsarelife

    how much longer?

    heres a few updated pics of the ladys.. i tell you what tho the 100x scope is a ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE. i almost pulled these girls a few days too early
  5. sledsarelife

    how much longer?

    i got a 100x little cheap scope and deffiently happy i got it. i was ready to pull them but after looking at them only about 1/3 of the trics are cloudy the other 2/3 are still clear and none are turning amber yet. so with autoflowers ive postpone for atleast a week. when i did my schedule and...
  6. sledsarelife

    how much longer?

    thanks man they smell delicious. and i dont have a strong enough magnifying glass. so i gotta go by how much patience i have remaining lol i think 1 will be ready for sure mid next week then the otheres soon to follow. but for my 1st auto flower grow im extreamly happy not sure if i will ever go...
  7. sledsarelife

    how much longer?

    heres an update for my plants. they will be 9 weeks old on monday 4/21/14 there thc bomb auto. just posting some pics up to let everyone see and get ideas of when everyone things they will be done. the leaves are really starting to yellow but my guess would be 10days-20days depending on the...
  8. sledsarelife

    please help

    if anything im under watering i always make sure the pots are super light b4 i water.
  9. sledsarelife

    please help

    just started i do the water water feed. usually daily or as needed split about a gallon of water between all 5 plants
  10. sledsarelife

    please help

    as you can see. looking better as far as the growing buds go. but still some goofy leaves and yellowing. any thoughts please help
  11. sledsarelife

    please help

    seem to be doing alot better. and starting to grow some nice buds.. ill get some pics. unfortunately the snow is melting and causing flooding so my tent was removed and now im using tarp and keeping them off the ground with a door...(ya i know) but ill upload some pics and u guys can tell me...
  12. sledsarelife

    please help

    okay well i started off with my 1/3 dose of nutes along with some mag booster and some super thrive.... hopefully they clear up... any input is obviously greatly appreciated
  13. sledsarelife

    please help

    no one else has any opinions?
  14. sledsarelife

    please help

    im running about 4ft x 7ft or so.. and i had 8 plants but unfortunately 3 didnt make it out of the ground for some reason (first time ever happened to me with germinating) they sat a little too long while germinating due to a unusual shut down at the local hydro shop. long story.. but my plan is...
  15. sledsarelife

    please help

    first time growing auto flowers.. the strain is thc bomb auto and normally i grew regular fem plants. so once again 1st time with the auto flowers.. i had it pretty much down to T as far as when to start feeding nutes ect but with these auto flowers im a bit lost.. there about 2-3 feet tall now...
  16. sledsarelife

    How Much Longer? and y r leaves yellowing?

    sand what do you suggest i do with the yellowing?
  17. sledsarelife

    How Much Longer? and y r leaves yellowing?

    its a OG KUSH and yeah its pretty small i dont have much for height especially with the hps. i only have about 6ft from the ground to the bottom of the light max so i used a smaller pot to make sure it didnt get too big. my mistake
  18. sledsarelife

    How Much Longer? and y r leaves yellowing?

    remember i have extremely low temps so im thinking that contributes to the slow grow. the strain is OG kush. here are some better pics
  19. sledsarelife

    How Much Longer? and y r leaves yellowing?

    i was running a 600w hps and just got a 1000w cuz im planning on expanding to 5plants
  20. sledsarelife

    How Much Longer? and y r leaves yellowing?

    im in almost 4 months.. (including veg) been flowering for roughly 13weeks. i unfortunately have extremely low temps at night.. >55 degrees. i live in mn and were having 50 below nights. all winter!.