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  1. sledsarelife

    quick someone help me PLEASE!!!!! CFL GROW

    you dont NEED a HID light but i think we all would agree.....way better product and much bigger yields....and not to mention.....faster grow times
  2. sledsarelife

    quick someone help me PLEASE!!!!! CFL GROW

    search on craigs list in your home town type in "ballast" i got a 600w ballast a hps light a mh light and a hood for 150... and who knows maybe someone in your town is selling the equiptment....remember lots of people grow veggies and other things in there house other than pot so its not like...
  3. sledsarelife

    my plant is 7 weeks old i think itshould be bigger plz tell me what u think

    .i use ionic nutrients along with something called superthrive.... very good results and much cheaper than fox farm...there is a 3 step nute up and do research when u start over.......---from seed....get red solo cups... plant about 1in in soil..when it pops out of the soil keep...
  4. sledsarelife

    my plant is 7 weeks old i think itshould be bigger plz tell me what u think

    start over..U MAY be able to save this plant but when it looks like this ur not gonna be very satisfied....start off with fox farm ocean forrst soil...or any organic soil....STAY AWAY FROM MIRACLE GROW!! try to get a clone if an option. and make sure ur lights are 2-3 inches away... and just...
  5. sledsarelife

    600w galaxy ballast review?

    just bought a galaxy ballast 600w.... anyone care to post review?
  6. sledsarelife

    hps lighting issue!!!!

    ac is on and the ballast is working flicker no shut down..
  7. sledsarelife

    hps lighting issue!!!!

    so brought my old ballast into local hydro was still flickering there... so i coughed up the cash and got a new sun system galaxy ballast...came with a 5yr warranty so i figured what the hell..... any reviews on the sun system galaxy?
  8. sledsarelife

    hps lighting issue!!!!

    yeah but theres no way around it...
  9. sledsarelife

    hps lighting issue!!!!

    i would need a tutorial on how to change the capacitor..... also when i open the ballast all the electronics are covered in some sort of black goup...dont think ill be taking it apart...and why would it work when ac was off and not when its on...something to do with input or the house wiring or...
  10. sledsarelife

    hps lighting issue!!!!

    the one i have is a electronic ballast and get not so sure its a ballast issue anymore...i noticed that when i have my air conditioning going the ballast acts up....when its off the ballast works perfect.... what the heck
  11. sledsarelife

    hps lighting issue!!!!

    the ballast at our loco hydro is 215...and if im gonna buy another ballast i might as well buy another bulb also... just cuz its nice to replace em and i dont know how old this bulb is
  12. sledsarelife

    hps lighting issue!!!!

    just bought a 600w hps light hood and craigslist... paid 150 for everything so no wonder as to why im having issues....go figure... but i put the hps bulb on first and it started up just fine and was working for about 10min then i notices a very slight flickering.. then the bulb...
  13. sledsarelife

    question from noob

    also i wouldnt have more than 4 plants under that 400w hps remember 100watts per plant
  14. sledsarelife

    question from noob

    MH= VEG STATE... HPS= FLOWERING....if your on a budget and cant afford both then the hps is more can get a cheap cfl set up that will get you thru the veg state...but the flowering stage is where u want to put all your cash at...
  15. sledsarelife

    hows it looking?

    heres my first grow... a bunch of random seeds pulled the males and i have 6 plants left...of what i think there doing pretty running 4 42w 2700lumen cfls and 7 26w 1625lumens cfls...i keep the higher lumen lights up top a few inches from the main cola and i keep the other 7 around the...
  16. sledsarelife

    when do i start to feed my plants?

    okay so first grow here...i have 6 females and i am running 4 150w cfl with 2700lumenes and also i am running 7 26watt 6500k cfls on the sides of the plants...the plants look great im about 10 days into flowering and the buds are coming along pretty well...i used fox farm ocean Forrest soil (i...