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  1. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    After they are in the net pots...i let the machine do the work...i just pay close attention to them the first few day....and if need be i self water...i didnt turn on the 2 400w lights till the weekend so i could watch them all make sure they were ready for the bright light....if not...
  2. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    Man sorry i didnt even record it when they were 3 inches...all i put in the rest was water ph 5.6 Sensi bloom A and B and 50 ML of voodo i know it was pretty low....
  3. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    naw i dont use tap water...i used too but i just used to let it run thru a brita water filter but now i just go to the water shop and get it from there....ppm is the measurement used for nutrient levels.... it stand for part permillion....and wach nutrient tell you how much to put in depending...
  4. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    It was nice hella nice..hit me after about 3 hits or so....nice and long lasting....for the water just add ph down until u get to 5.0 and your good to go....
  5. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    The Box already paid for it self...I kept a little for myself...but the rest went to the from here on out its all depending on how ya grow goes u will have it paid for in your first few crops....what i do is fill my tub up with water ph the water too 5.0 and put that in jugs...
  6. S

    BloomBox - G13 Haze Feminized Mother Plant

    Nice...curious to see how it works out....might be picking one of these up soon....
  7. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    non so far and im a cali the weather is pretty decent right now...not lookin forward to summer though....but i got the AC ready
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    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    Man I just typed all this in and then clicked timed out on me and im not about to type it all over....long story a little nute burn dialed it back...they are growing like crazy...freakin me out...and i keep gallon jugs on 5.0 ph water and use that to keep my ph under...
  9. S

    4x4 Tent - Blue Hash and A-Train

    do you have any light leaks with that tent?
  10. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    So im a little freaked out that some of the plants are about 18 inches tall..but they have been that tall for the last week or so I am hoping that it works out....other then that i thought i would give them a little extra boost this weekend...i let them sit in the dark and ice water for 3...
  11. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    you should be able to....i mean as long as the temp does not get to out of control....i had a few issues with discoloration...but i Found out that it may be from your ph going up and down on a constant basis....nothing to worry about as long as its not browning out getting out of control but a...
  12. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    Naw i got these from a from someone what had a few killer strains...he like to call it Blue Og instead of Kush berry...but i refer to kushberry grows for info and help
  13. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    f I didnt really pay attention to the height...i just wantedt to veg them a little longer then last time....last grow i veged them for about 5 days this time around i vegged them for 10 days b4 i flipped to 12 12....i used the mh bulbs and the flo for the veg....and for flower it will be hps...
  14. S

    1st Grow BCNL Producer

    my second grow is up and running....i got a journal going on my 2nd week of florweing...and as far as which is better is depends on what you are going for....i didnt plan on having mothers or cloning so i got the producer....the more the better for me...
  15. S

    2nd Grow Blueberry & G13 Haze

    Impressive...very impressive....when are u gonna chop that BB down?
  16. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    Man sorry for the Delay...been hella busy this week...but here is a quick update....week one of on my way out but here are a few pics...they doubled in size in the last week...some more then others but thats bound to happen....questions, comments, suggestions for the cause...all...
  17. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Im dialed about 2 weeks ahead on you...but i started from clone
  18. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    yea that what I got...its not hard...just gotta keep an eye on it and you learn as you go but its great and worth it to can check out my other journal and theres plenty more on here you can get an idea of what to look forward too...but i would get one straight from bcnorthernlights not...
  19. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    Whats up man...those white caps are a little cleaner then the panda film....yea i am getting ready to flower...i was gonna let them go a little longer becuz i want to fill it out...its a short plant so we will see..but i got roots coming out the bottom but its only been 7 days but last time i...
  20. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    A current pic...u can see a little growth...the ones in the middle were a little behind to i put them dead center so they can catch up...