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  1. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    so im goin to flood for 45 min instead of the normal 15 min. im hopin the extra time the roots r in the water will help fight off the slime as i added more h2o2, or am i doin more harm then good by keeping the roots submerged for that long?
  2. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i added more than normal h2o2 to my rez tonight so ill watch the plants and the slime and see what happens and if they look like they can handle more all keep bumping it up a bit. the plants r still lookin good and r still shooting more leaves i just hope that this slime wont kill and or effect...
  3. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i was thinkin of adding more but the guy at the store said to be carefull cause it could burn the plant. so i was just adding what it said on the back of the bottle. the light s come back on in a few hours so im goin to check the roots and its been 3 days since the last rez change so ill add...
  4. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    mine is closer to 80 so i deff need a chiller. ive been adding frozen water bottles but that brings it down to 74ish and now im fighting clear snot on my roots with little luck so far. any suggestions? im running 29% h2o2 at 3 ml per gallon but havent noticed any diff to the roots and i think...
  5. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    ive noticed my temp in the rez has gone up so i was thinkin of running my air stones an hour before the flood and a hour after the flood to try to keep my water temp down. and maybe have it run an hour during lights out to keep the nutes mixed. is this a dumb idea?
  6. stillgamble

    Pythium Prevention

    how much bleach do u add per gallon? and it wont effect the plants in anyway or leave a white residue?
  7. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Does that Flo and Gro have the same problem with poor draining buckets? yea they have about an ich or so of water at the bottom. i just added water saucers under the bucket to help with the draining and now there is prob a 1/4 inch or so. in this system they have liner bags that fit into the...
  8. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    so i have been flooding once a day and they seem to love it, i put in 2 6inch air stones last week in the rez and also added h2o2 29% at 3 ml per gallon and things look great. once i flip them to flower i might flood twice but im goin to keep an eye on how much they drink. here r a few pics...
  9. stillgamble

    Roots Excelurator ~ The best damn root product on the market!

    SWEET, im not tryin to be an a hole i almost bought some today for my hydro system but wanted to see what people thought of it on here. the guy at the store swears by it but he grows in dirt and im not to found of running it in hydro although it claims u can. any pics of the progress u have...
  10. stillgamble

    Roots Excelurator ~ The best damn root product on the market!

    I got a lot of things popping but I promise not to leave you guys hanging. lol
  11. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i was thinkin the same thing they hold more water then i thought and the roots r not to crazy yet
  12. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    today i checked my buckets and 4 hrs after they were flooded there is a lot of water in the cubes and i thought the top was dry and after checking that they had a bit of water in them to so as of tomorrow im goin to flood once a day and see what happens
  13. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i went with rockwool for the same reasons of washing the clay and it seems like a lot of work to prep them. ill pre soak my 6 in rockwool for 15 min in 5.5 ph. my buckets r a lilttle bigger than the cap system so next time im goin to use the small grow cubes or curtons as hellraizer called...
  14. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    med4u how many grows have u used the sunleave grow rocks? i got a sample of it when i bought my flo n gro system it also came with some kind of a bag that holds the rock in the bucket im guessing to keep the small chuncks out of the pumps.
  15. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i guess u r suposed to soak the small cubes for a few seconds in 5.5 ph water but the bigger blocks i think its like 15 min. thats what the video said. i didnt soak mine and my ph moves from 5.8 to 6.1 after a few days
  16. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i flood 2 times a day. i use tap water and after i add my nutes my ph is around 7 then i use gh ph down. i fill my rez to 45 gal. ru using rockwool or clay?
  17. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    thats what im using right now in my flo n gro. ill keep u posted how it goes if u want. i started with clones in the system cause i had two other strains but one getts to tall to keep them even but i plan to flip them to 12/12 in a week or so. oh i got some airstones running as of today will...
  18. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    has anyone ever used rockwool grow cubes in this system? if so how many times a day do u flood when they r in the 1st few weeks of veg? im flooding twice a day right now and its seems like the bottom 4 in or so is always wet. any info would be great
  19. stillgamble

    1000w 1st Grow- Grape Ape in Cap Ebb & Grow

    its good to switch up what u use to get rid of them as they seem to get used to the same thing. i spray right before lights out and i fog with the lights off.
  20. stillgamble

    1000w 1st Grow- Grape Ape in Cap Ebb & Grow

    keep up on takin care of the spider mites they r a bitch. if u can get a fogger i would hit it with that before u get to far a long. i use dr doom and had some good results and ill spray also a week or so after but trust me they will come back. good luck they look great