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  1. stillgamble

    greenhouse during the winter

    so if you veg indoors until u reach the height ur looking for whatever that my be could u put them outdoor in a greenhouse to flower starting in nov? i have heaters to keep it warm at night and it doesnt freeze very often here. the only thing im worried about is the sun coming out to give...
  2. stillgamble

    pic. is this a herme

    if u have several plants how would u know which one is the morph and which one is the neighbor? i must have over a 100 seeds from my last harvest (i was very sad to see that many) but i might try to grow a few and see what happens and hopfully they wont morph
  3. stillgamble

    pic. is this a herme

    so what r the causes of a plant gettin seeds if it was a female at one point?
  4. stillgamble

    pic. is this a herme

    the reason i asked is i pulled one of those (not real sure what u call it) off and i opened it up a looked like it had a small seed in it forming and the plant i took the clones from when they were done and i harvest them they have seeds in it. not in the bud but below it under the bud site.
  5. stillgamble

    pic. is this a herme

    so i had this plant outside and it started to flower (its a long story) but i brought it inside and im reveggin it but i want to know if its a herme? and if so can i cut off the seed sacks or is it to late and its in the plant already?
  6. stillgamble

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    hey jj i pm you but u cant recieve anymore
  7. stillgamble

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    i think what he is saying is the rack holds 5 lbs and by the time he fills it up it been 5 days since the 1st lb was trimmed so he will remove that lb and trim another and keep rotating so they get 5 days to dry per pound
  8. stillgamble

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    im goin to try this also i was goin to try the paper towel wat but this seems easy this way
  9. stillgamble

    tripple berry but no thc

    ok. it has been rainning the last few days so im trying to be carefull on feeding them but its goin to be sunny for the next week so ill start giving them some more food
  10. stillgamble

    tripple berry but no thc

    so i have a tripple berry thats about 12 feet tall outdoors and its prob in week 4 or so of flowering and there is hardly any thc on the flowers. so my question is what can i do to help this plant out or is it the genetics (im sure i spelled that wrong) just shit? it was a hand me down so im...
  11. stillgamble

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    very nice. im not sure if u answered this question or not but what ru feeding those monsters and how do u water and how often? sry if u already answered this question a 1000 times. and also if u had a bigger green house say twice as long would u use 2 lights or would 1 be enough to keep them...
  12. stillgamble

    so its rainning is it going to be ok

    so im in the last few weeks of flowering and it just rained for a few min should i be worried of mold or just keep them in the ground? how much water can the plant take before im fucked
  13. stillgamble

    When to stop watering

    So a guy told me the other day that if u water ur plants 8 hours before ur going to cut them that it will add weight. I thought this would just make the budmore wet and just take longer to dry not have any added weight to the final product has anyone else heard of this ?
  14. stillgamble

    Should I leave it on

    K thx for the info
  15. stillgamble

    Should I leave it on

    I was running the light without the inline fan and filter and it was hotter than the flames of hell im using a 1000 hps and since i put inline fan it made a world of diff on the temp not sure what they r but I know its way better
  16. stillgamble

    Should I leave it on

    I just got a 6 inch inline fan and a phresh fliter and was wondering if i should leave it on all the time or only run it for a certain amount of time . im currently using it for my veg if that helps
  17. stillgamble

    Will they still veg?

    Thx. About how long should it take to get back to full veg?
  18. stillgamble

    Will they still veg?

    cool should I cut off any flowers or just leave it alone
  19. stillgamble

    Will they still veg?

    So I cut some clones a month our so ago and I left them outside the whole time cause I didn't have a room to put up a light and our course they started to flower my question is now I have a room to put in a light is it poss to get them to stop flowering if I put them under 24 hr 1000 hps?
  20. stillgamble

    HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010

    did anyone see what nutes he is using i couldnt pull myself off of the pics on here to check it out and from what it sounds like there is a shiz load of pages on the other board