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  1. stillgamble

    can u still spray even though its flowering???

    thx for the fast reply. the plants r a little smaller than i was hoping for but i want to do what i can to make the bud bigger and better if i can. would u suggest just useing nutes through the soil? i just added some humbolt 0 33 23 to it (i think that is the numbers lol) im hoping that...
  2. stillgamble

    best indoor strain for indoor any advise

    im goin to start buliding my new gro room next week and i have some blue dream clones already but they r in soil and im goin to get a ebb n gro and use the pellets or rocks not sure off the top of my head what they r called. but its my 1st gro and wanted to get some advise on a strain that has...
  3. stillgamble

    can u still spray even though its flowering???

    :blsmoke:my plants are in the 3rd week of flowering and was woundering if u can still spray nutes and bug repellent on the leaves and the flowers? i would think u cant just cause i would think it would mold the bud and also make the smoke harsh. its an outdoor grow if that matters thx for any...
  4. stillgamble

    can u still or is it to late

    thx for the reply. i hope to get some good cuttings off it
  5. stillgamble

    can u still or is it to late

    is it poss to still clone off a plant even if it has been flowering for 3 weeks? i was going to take off from the bottom where there would only be popcorn nuggs. any info would be great \
  6. stillgamble

    heavy harvest from advanced nutrients

    has anyone ever tried to use heavy harvest from advance nutes? if so how did it turn out and is it worth the money is seems like this is one of the more expensive line of nutes around
  7. stillgamble

    Blue Dream, Grand Daddy and Purple Kush under 1000 watt light hoping too yield big

    i have some blue dream clones waiting to go into my new grow room im very excited if u r goin to get a p off one plant. im going to run 2 1000 hps in a flood n gro set up and was plannin on veging for 3 weeks. my celings r 8 foot tall so i hope i have enough room for those bad girls to grow...
  8. stillgamble

    Barney's Sweet Tooth outdoors Go Go Go!

    what nutes do u use
  9. stillgamble

    1st time growing 2 1000 hps ebb n gro

    how long do u veg for? and what is the difference between ebb and flow and the gro?
  10. stillgamble

    1st time growing 2 1000 hps ebb n gro

    thx for the info guys. if u had to guess how much weight do u get per plant and and how much does ur electricty go up? ive heard its around 150 per 1000 bulb but im not sure how true that is(im hoping its not lol)
  11. stillgamble

    1st time growing 2 1000 hps ebb n gro

    so im going to be growing 25 blue dream in an ebb n gro system under 2 1000 hps lights and was woundering if there is anyone out there who has used this system under simuilar situation (lights and poss strain) i was woundering how hard is the system to use and how did the finishing product trun out
  12. stillgamble

    flowering already?

    so its prob not from to much nutes? my friends r way bigger and have not started flowering yet and i have a few different strains and they all r starting which makes me think its to hot or to much nutes but im prob wrong
  13. stillgamble

    flowering already?

    is it poss for my plants to start flowering already? im in cen cal and it has been hot and plenty of sun shine on the plants. maybe they got to much ferts? ive been usin tripple 20 and fox farm lawn not sure of the strenghtof that one maybe this is why. any info would be great as they r only...
  14. stillgamble

    what nutes would u use?

    i have some gdp and blue dream in the ground for about a month now and was woundering what nute i should add to it 1st any advise would be great
  15. stillgamble

    dried but now its crispy

    how long should i burp it for and how often
  16. stillgamble

    dried but now its crispy

    my dumb azz friend left it outside in the green house for a day and by the time i got to and put inside it was really dry on the outside. what about some bread is that a smart thing to do? i can put it in the jar with the bud or is this a bad idea? thx
  17. stillgamble

    dried but now its crispy

    so i dried for 5 days now and the bud is crispy to the touch to where it almost wants to crumble. is there anything i can do to make it moist again
  18. stillgamble

    cover your plants????

    has anyone ever covered there plants when they are outside to keep them flowering? if so what did u use to cover them and did u use a fan on them?
  19. stillgamble

    what should i do

    thx bro i hope so it was a bad situation from the begining next time im doin it on my own
  20. stillgamble

    what should i do

    im in central ca it started indoors under some t9s and then my friend had an xtra 1000hps so we hooked that up and then the owner of the house fliped cause the pge went up which we told him it would so we have a green house and planted them in feb. and they look good but im worried they might...