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  1. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Foothills your girls look great, they are way ahead of mine that are 4wks old. I have some pretty hurtin' seedlings at the moment and will post some pics once they get going. We are finally gettin some decent weather here. I cracked my church seeds with my finger nails and they germed but look...
  2. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Lookin great Jimmer!!! So are you hopin they reveg or continue to flower?
  3. burner89

    cheapest auto flower/strongest?

    Thanks for the info tek. Might be a good strain to get some sativa bud in the mix. A regular sativa wouldn't have much of chance in my neck of the woods.
  4. burner89

    Window Sun vs Fluorescent Shop Lights

    Yes I would say they like the natural sunlight better than the shop lights, you can almost watch them grow.The shop lights are better than a window though.
  5. burner89

    cheapest auto flower/strongest?

    What would you say the average veg time is for KC45. I'd like to try it outdoors next year. I have some Mind Bender going this year, not an auto but the seedlings are impressing me so far.
  6. burner89

    cheapest auto flower/strongest?

    I've had good luck ordering seeds from They are based in the UK but specialize in shipping to Canada. They have a huge selection, good prices and sell single seeds.
  7. burner89

    Window Sun vs Fluorescent Shop Lights

    The shop lights have been doin the trick, but they sure love the days we get them outside in the sun.
  8. burner89

    Jimmer's Auto Adventure!

    I started this one last year around July 20 The pic was taken Sep 30, I chopped her about a week later. Yield was only 35g dry but very tasty.
  9. burner89

    Really stupid question about my auto..

    The auto is less than 3 weeks old, relax it will grow imo. The growth may be a bit slow due to the short days this early in the season but give it couple more weeks and you will see big changes hopefully. Does it get full sunlight all day? Don't worry about the light schedule for flowering...
  10. burner89

    Jimmer's Auto Adventure!

    Awesome Jimmer, I will be following along. It would be great to find a good all around auto to grow outside and not have to worry about the weather in October. I will be starting some White Widow Auto's by Pyramid sometime in the middle of May. They aren't heavy yielders but are very tasty, like...
  11. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Ya I soaked the seeds for about 20hrs and then to paper towel. The other 3 seeds all cracked in 24hrs or less in the paper towel.
  12. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Lookin like The Church are duds, they've been in paper towel since Wednesday:cry:. Theres still a chance but not holdiing my breath. A couple of the Mind Bender took 5 days to crack in the paper towel. I can tell already that the Mind Bender are hardier than the Early Durban as they are...
  13. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Thats what I've heard, so I started about a month earlier this year than last. Hopefully it works.
  14. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Ya I read through a sticky about it and transplanted the stretchy ones into some deeper cups. They were only 10 days old or so, so hopefully they will be fine.
  15. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Cheers to livin' in the sticks. Now if it would just stop snowing!!!
  16. burner89

    Window Sun vs Fluorescent Shop Lights

    They stretched pretty bad in the window so they get the shop lights most of the time. They have had a couple of days outside in a mini greenhouse. It was 50 outside but 70-80 in the greenhouse. Giving them 15h20mins of light a day. Its snowing here today:wall:
  17. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    They look great Foothills!! Do they just get window sun? My Mind Bender and Early Durban stretched bad in the window so they went under some cheap T-8 shop lights in the chilly basement. Hoping to get them outside in mini green house soon.Winter is back today with some snow:roll: FJC and...
  18. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Hey Jimmer, you mentioned earlier in the thread that you veg for a long time and it effects flowering. In what way do you think it effects them? Not questioning your logic, just curious if it helps them flower sooner or later. And about the woods compared to the wide open, I would agree with...
  19. burner89

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    I do a backyard guerrilla grow
  20. burner89

    2014 Backyard Grow

    On the right side just above where the first post starts click on 'watch thread' then in the green bar select 'watched threads'. At least I think thats how it works now. Nice start on your outdoor season FresnoFarmer!!