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  1. burner89

    Delicious seeds

    I read great reviews too, that was outside in a short damp climate. If you are growing inside you may like it. I had one from seed and a clone from it. The mother moulded bad and wasn't done, I only got 1.5 zips of smokeable bud. The clone was a better story, it was babied and kept dry. I was...
  2. burner89

    Need some help on a NAME.

    How about Afghan Berry Ryder. I vote nothing with poo in the name lol, it just doesn' t sound appealing. I crossed a Mind Bender from KC Brains and White Widow Auto from pyramid and have the same dilemna. I was thinking Brain's Widow and hope to add auto to the name eventually.
  3. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    Day 30 for three, Day 18 for 2 and Day 13 for 1. Like i said earlier it was a tough week with some chilly temps and to top it off there is a frost warning tonight. They seem small to me, hopefully things pick up soon. Suppose to be a pretty good week once tonight's over with. Big Bomb Blue...
  4. burner89

    Delicious seeds

    I tried their Fruity Chronic Juice last year outdoors and won't grow it again. It molded really bad and didn't finish when they claimed it would. I've got a Pineapple Chunk outdoors this year, how did you find that strain. I've read mixed reviews, it was a freebie so figured what the hell.
  5. burner89

    Best cold climate strains

    I got 8 zips in a 15G Root Pouch in the woods with cheap nutes. Very little mold but i chopped a week early to be safe (Sept 19). That amount of daylight you have is gonna be tough though.I like your frost cages, looks like they'd work great! I will keep you up to date with the kush and queen...
  6. burner89

    Best cold climate strains

    Frost warning tonight in my neck of the woods. Potted plants will go in a shed, but I've got 3 in the ground, that i just topped 2 of yesterday. How early do you need your plants to finish? I grew a Special Kush #1 from Royal Queen and she was done by the end of september. Good smoke, great...
  7. burner89

    Dutch Passion- Think Different.

    They do look like nanners, can u think of any stresses they may have endured? Between your issues and senile fungas with a 4 month old still in veg these don't seem to be very stable. Sucks though, they are pricey seeds. You could try plucking the nanners off and hopefully they will stop...
  8. burner89

    Germination with saran wrap

    Which is why you should only talk dry weight since that's what counts. That said the dry weight would be around 4-5 zips per plant and that's still really good. Weed seeds really aren't difficult to germinate especially fresh ones. I do the shot glass, then papertowell and then to pot once I...
  9. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    Is the master kush from nirvana also? I've got three photo plants in the ground too. So wasn't a great week for the plants, we had highs of 8*C and rain the first half of the week. I saw pre-flowers on the Big Bomb yesterday, which was at 28 days. Still waiting on the High Density which is...
  10. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    That looks like a pretty good setup, are all the boxes gonna have auto's in them? It's down to 6*C (43f) right now, so that should slow mine down lol. The last 2 weeks of May were pretty nice though.
  11. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    Right on Cuttdogg. are they in the ground? What breeder are they from? Keep the updates coming so we can compare. I found my first preflowers today on the oldest Blue Amnesia xxl. So thats day 25 from sprouting. Should have 2 more in the next few days. Have a bit of cold snap here the next...
  12. burner89

    Outdoor Auto's on the East Coast

    Hey fellow growers, just thought I'd start thread to help me keep track of my season. Hopefully we will learn a few things along the way, prolly more me than you lol. Feel free to comment, ask questions or make suggestions. Anyone else growing auto's outdoors is more than welcome to post some...
  13. burner89

    how to transplant auto with out transplanting it ...

    I transplanted 3 yesterday from solo cups to 5 and 7G root pouches without issue. Roots were just starting to circle the bottom, everything held together. They were 22 days from sprout and grown outside. They didn't pout, just kept reaching for the sun.
  14. burner89

    Best Outdoor Nutrients & Other Questions

    Ya we pay more for just about everything up here and our dollar dropping doesnt help either. Us Canadians are so special that we get our own ebay and amazon just to make it easier to pay more for everything lol. has maxsea for about $87 for 6lbs and has both the all purpose and bloom...
  15. burner89

    Best Outdoor Nutrients & Other Questions

    I just checked amazon. A 6lb bag of maxsea 16-16-16 is $77 + 26shipping + tax = well over $100.00.
  16. burner89

    Best Outdoor Nutrients & Other Questions

    Plant Prod is available in Canada and is suppose to be the same as Jacks Classic. I combine the starter 10-52-10 with the veg/tomatoe 15-15-30 for the 1-3-2 ratio for flower and use the all-purpose 20-20-20 for veg. This is the first year trying the combo, last year i used 15-30-15 for...
  17. burner89

    Pyramid please

    I have grown their Auto White Widow outside the past two summers. It was an easy plant to grow and care for and they were pretty uniform in there growth.The taste and smell varied slightly and my average yield was 2zips per plant.The buds were a bit airy but it was one our favorite smokes. The...
  18. burner89

    green fungus on top of 35 day old supersoil, is it good?

    I sometimes get a type of green algae on the top of my potting mix, especially early in the season when it takes a while to dry out. From what I've read about it, the main concern is it blocks airflow to the soil. I just break it up with a small gardening rake/fork.
  19. burner89

    auto white widow??

    I grew 3 outdoors last year and averaged 2zips ea. chopped mine between 70-72days due to a bit of mold. The buds are bit airy but the smoke is decent.[/ATTACH]
  20. burner89

    First time Out door grow in Western Washington, Help?

    OP you have Auto's right? You can plant directly outside anytime after the last frost date for your area. Keep in mind that baby seedlings are very susceptible to critters and the longest days of the year are around the 3rd week of June.