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  1. Jables

    RIU's Most Dislike Strain

    Someone read the wrong thread at the wrong time hehe, hate when that happens
  2. Jables

    Mother Plant 2

    contradiction? you say higher N, but that NPK is pretty even with a higher K rating The way I learned to take clones, after I take a cutting and put in the medium, I put it in darkness for 12 Hours so it can recover from the shock and root more easily, so I usually leave my mother in 24 hour...
  3. Jables

    Reggie and Dro

  4. Jables

    First Grow DWC (need help/advice/w.e. you can give) pics included

    If it was nute burn it'd be on the very tip of all the leaves, not just the bottom, the tip turns yellow then brown and curls up. For the size of those plants I'd say 360 ppm is pretty low, so you may be looking at a deficiency. One other question, are these plants clones from the same plant?
  5. Jables

    Need answers quick, freakn bugs in soil!

    What kind of soil are you using?
  6. Jables

    please help

    tips are curling up, def burn
  7. Jables

    Purple Stems, Strain related or problem? plus other issues

    Yeah that's really the only thing I could find it could be, but it's not too common for sulfur def apparently, any recommended nutes? I'm currently using foxfarm grow big hydroponic and magical in distilled water
  8. Jables

    Purple Stems, Strain related or problem? plus other issues

    to see bigger pics:
  9. Jables

    Purple Stems, Strain related or problem? plus other issues

    Hello experts of the growing world, I am not among you, I am merely a beginner. That aside, I'm attempting my first real grow, it is a dwc set up. The plant is a sativa strain, not exactly sure what strain, I received it from my dad who received the clones he gave me along with the mother from...