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  1. Mhogs

    Auto flower outdoor any1????

    And I wasn't trying to nit pick your choice of words. I was more leaning towards the fact that breeders are very knowledgeable and in most cases have funding coming which allows them the best of the best in materials. So yeah, Indoors with experience and knowledge under your belt, many growers...
  2. Mhogs

    Auto flower outdoor any1????

    Dr greenthumb Iranian auto can produce awesome yields per optimal condition.
  3. Mhogs

    Auto flower outdoor any1????

    So I'd disregard the whole "autos do poorly outdoors" comment. There are plenty of autos that can produce e a couple zips outdoors which is more than fare. I can hand you seed of a strain that can produce 400+ grs. Doesn't mean you'll have the abilities to make it happen. Optimum yield takes a...
  4. Mhogs


    No flush. Just feed...those leaves might/probably will remain $hitty looking. Just watch to make sure it's not progressing.
  5. Mhogs

    autoflower northern lights blue is growing so slow. any ideas why?

    Patients. What's not growing on top, is growing down below. Tap root could still be wondering around building a nice root structure.. or just a stunted bad seed. Lol
  6. Mhogs

    Auto and nutes..

    Thank you.
  7. Mhogs

    Auto and nutes..

    Start to finish autos run how many days? I more so go for quality not quantity. So the extra 30% you're worried about means little to me. This kind of fits the whole chicken thing right? Pump them full of stuff so they are bigger and tastier?
  8. Mhogs

    Auto and nutes..

    Soo what's the point of spending top dollar on soil if you just going to "supplement" 10-14 days into the grow?
  9. Mhogs

    Auto and nutes..

    Had this running through my head. Autos run 80days max. Most non noob growers know soil and what to purchase fox/roots or they make thier own. Such mediums have plenty of food and nutrients in them to last a good amount of time. So my question is.. why would you force feed autos when the new bag...
  10. Mhogs

    small northern lights blue question

    Patients. :)
  11. Mhogs

    Couple of Question to help me get growing!

    Your "big question" clearly shows you have little knowledge on growing.
  12. Mhogs

    Couple of Question to help me get growing!

    First. There is a section on this website for beginners. Spend a week or two flipping through the other 100 or so rookies asking the same questions and you'll find your answer. Second. Do yourself a favor a do some research.
  13. Mhogs

    8 weeks AFGHAN KUSH

    Flushing is for hydroponics and toilets. No need to flush organic grows....
  14. Mhogs

    high yield and thc strains.

    Yield and THC content looks great on paper. But the reality is, its all about the grow.
  15. Mhogs

    Growing from seed

    Lol..yeah you can ask all you want.. because you're too stupid and lazy to figure it out for yourself. I'm not the only person whos pointed this out... Darwinism at It's best...
  16. Mhogs

    Growing from seed

    Joe. You are an idiot. This thread and helping you is a waste of time. From your questions, everyone can tell you've looked absolutely nothing up. You need to dig and read and answer your own stupid questions. Or sober it up.
  17. Mhogs

    Growing from seed

    Did you do any research before trying your hand at growing? No offence, but for those of you just throwing seeds in the ground and having everybody else figure it out for you, makes me feel like you don't appreciate the art of horticulture. Stop being the typical American and dig and read and...
  18. Mhogs


    Rainymorning.. Great reply. I guess i could understand flushing when using a hydroponic setup because of the raw concentration of chemicals. But when it comes down to organics and microbes, I just don't feel like two weeks is long enough to allow a plant to use its stored energy you've been...
  19. Mhogs


    Would somebody please explain to me in scientific/chemistry terms on how flushing your plant makes it better? I hear people say they "hate smoking nutes" as if the buds are holding extra nitrogen or potassium. Correct me if I'm wrong, on an microorganism level, nutrients are broken down by...
  20. Mhogs

    First time grow, 5th week of my 2 plant's life, NEED ADVICE!- PICTURES INCLUDED-

    Start over.... Looking at atleast a month for re-veg, since your plants are already showing nugs.. they could herm, chalk it up as a learning lesson.... cheers