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  1. Mhogs

    Update, MastodonK, TrainW, JackH, Greenhouse Grow

    Pic one is the JH. Pic two is the MK and that leaves the TrainW....sorry about the pics. Space is tight inside the greenhouse. Feed back appreciated!
  2. Mhogs

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    I'm done... " 100 grams to 90 grams"?? Sober it up some.... That's like me saying I should get 8lbs off my plant . But since I live in Florida and we get plenty of lightning and heat lightning I'm losing 10gr A snap of lightning. This is just stupid and I feel like I'm talking to a child...
  3. Mhogs

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Flash from a camera, maybe 1/16th of a second. Pretty much the same as lightning would give you every time it struck during a storm at night. A full moon would do the same and maybe even offer you more light. Call me the bad guy for letting you know it was stupid. I can promise you plenty...
  4. Mhogs

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Lol. Not just stupid. But fucking stupid. As in you must be a moron to ask something as dumb as you did... keep it going... why don't you ask if the light from the stars ruins your dark time..... I'll stand by to give you another dumb shit answer....
  5. Mhogs

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Evil? Superior? Plants don't need darkness to flower? Lay off the spice. For a "well known member" you sure are a joke...
  6. Mhogs

    Plant deficiency help me diagnose please

    For sure not a lack of light on the underside...:wall: Not sure if I've ever heard of that. I'd go Cal/mag... lack of light will cause things to stretch and stunt growth. It for doesn't cause necrosis of leaf tissue...
  7. Mhogs

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    haha. I should have just been straight forward with what I had to say. But I like how this has turned from you asking a stupid fucking question, to I have "real people" issues... Do you go out and cover your plants during full moons and for lightning at night? :clap:bongsmilie
  8. Mhogs

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    I was high and laughing and trying not to get carried away. Nothing was supposed to be negative. If i wanted to be negative I would have. Next time i'll make sure my comment is more serious. ;)
  9. Mhogs

    WTF, seed pods??

    Might not have pulled it but for sure has hell would have moved it away from the rest of my crop. I can see how some say pull it and some say leave it. for some of us that only have 2-3 going.. ya keep it.. more bud.. I guess if i lived in a med state or CO I would have pulled it. Waste of time...
  10. Mhogs

    Taking pictures of a flowering at night ?

    Is this a serious question? :) Unless you plan on doing some kind of at night photo shoot and intended to snap a few 100 photos.. lol I'm trying to stay serious. .. made my night my friend. I'm sure you'd need to reach some kind of level and duration to "wake" your plants up...
  11. Mhogs

    Plant deficiency help me diagnose please

    I'd add in some Cal/Mg. The necrosis of your leaves is what you should be watching. The stuff that's dead will stay dead. You just want it to stop from continuing on to other/new growth. You're leaves look heavy. How often are you watering? Pot size?
  12. Mhogs

    Mastodon kush, Trainwreck, Jack herer- Greenhouse Grow!

    Update. Things seem to be moving along smooth. Trainwreck is going to finish well ahead of the jackh & mastodonk. Hoping the mold resistant trait it's supposed to have does the trick right now. Still humid as shit out. Group shot, trainw back left, jackh front, and mkush. Single shot was from a...
  13. Mhogs

    Super cropping during flowing ???

    Yes. Lst her.
  14. Mhogs

    What's eating me?

    For sure not spider mites... Would start feeding with the advised solution listed above or pick yourself up some azamax and start spraying twice a day..
  15. Mhogs

    Mastodon kush, Trainwreck, Jack herer- Greenhouse Grow!

    Yeah. The temps in the greenhouse pushing over 100. So I have to hit them twice a day with water. Which is making it hard to keep any kind of nutes in the soil. They have been coming back around now that I've been watering by hand. I only use the auto water system during veg. But yeah, I'm not...
  16. Mhogs

    Mastodon kush, Trainwreck, Jack herer- Greenhouse Grow!

    I spend a fare amount of time reading and enjoying the knowledge passed through this site. Thought I'd post my grow. Biggest plant- Mastodon Kush, started mid may. 25gal pot, roots organics soil with added 11 part compost 70:30 mix. Second biggest- Trainwreck, started end of april. 20gal pot...
  17. Mhogs

    Cal/Mag deficiency?

    Extra 100w led... well it couldn't hurt. But I don't think it's going to make much difference in yield or potency.
  18. Mhogs

    What autos does well outdoors with big yelds

    If you want a better yeild. Grow a regular female strain and flower her early.. Autos are too hit and miss and a waste of time in my opinion. Plus this option gives you wiggle room for beginners errors..
  19. Mhogs

    South Florida Auto Flower

    Need more grow info. Site, Pots, ground, soil, nutes, experience growing anything?
  20. Mhogs

    When to chop?

    That's not a normal yellowing and dying of a leaf. Looks like a Cal/Mag issue arising.