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  1. doublejj


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  3. doublejj

    Climate in the 21st Century

    Off-grid solar mini-grids light up Africa
  4. doublejj


    Jester Update! Showing off some of the deliveries made recently! From sniper gear to drones and 40mm candle holders to tacmed gear delivered to our old friends from Sumy now deployed near Bakhmut, I want to thank r/ukraine community for continued support that holds us up through these times...
  5. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    You’re Paying Taxes Today. The Rich Aren’t. Today is Tax Day, the deadline for Americans to pay their taxes. One group that won’t be paying much today: the rich, who have stashed $2 trillion in offshore tax havens...
  6. doublejj


    Prior to going to work for the State of California I had a quite lucrative job offer from Johnson Controls to work on Kwajalein. But is was a 1 year contract and the state was offering a long term career with hella good benefits. However the thought of working and living on that tropical atoll...
  7. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Dominion CEO sold out the company to FOX for $787ml......
  8. doublejj


    NATO can just buy the nukes from a broke russia....
  9. doublejj


    The Abducted Children of Ukraine The Kremlin has made a habit of seizing Ukrainian boys and girls, with the intention of transforming them into Russian citizens. Families are fighting to get their children back...
  10. doublejj


    The West Is Preparing for Russia’s Disintegration Amid war in Ukraine, some strategists are setting their eyes on the “decolonization” of Russia itself.
  11. doublejj


    Ukraine now has drones can fly to Moscow and further, according to Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.
  12. doublejj


    Kazakhstan Chocolates 'The Taste of a Free Land' Advertisement (Translation in description)
  13. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Trump says if elected he will force federal workers to pass a political test and fire them if they fail
  14. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    South Dakota governor says her two-year-old grandchild has several guns
  15. doublejj


    Freedom needs to be better supplied than tyranny. If democracies stand firm, Putin’s war on Ukraine will fail
  16. doublejj

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    FBI investigating GOP Oklahoma officials caught on tape talking about lynching Black people, murdering newspaper reporters
  17. doublejj


    What puzzles me is these guys are clutching their pearls over the use of what they perceive as an improper pronoun, but seem to be quite alright with horrendous atrocities being committed by (put your approved pronoun here)....
  18. doublejj


    I'll take that as a yes.... :sad:
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