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  1. Bshbloke

    The Nug Machine... Round 3

    look at those beautiful big fingers those beauties have,haha ive got a ppm pen just like that
  2. Bshbloke


    Yeah the size those nugs are now is usualy how big mine were at the end of flower with running organics nutes but were alot tightly packed compared to synthetic but its still early days 3weeks left.yeah im gutted i dnt have the room for the fridge otherwise she would have been ideal for a veg...
  3. Bshbloke

    World of Seeds, Northern Lights x Big Bud

    Heres my girls now in the tent ive upgraded to
  4. Bshbloke

    Growing in the The Wardrobe with the OLD Man

    I see now they leds nice 1.shit they look like they did a mint job of those buds
  5. Bshbloke

    Growing in the The Wardrobe with the OLD Man

    Yep i did indeed see the ballests but what wattage are they? They just wee 70w 110w or 150w?
  6. Bshbloke


    Well im sad to say the FRIDGE HAS BEEN REMOVED! And replaced with a 100x100x200cm grow tent unfortuntly there wasnt enough room to maintain the fridge in my sleepout and i also couldnt fit my second autopot unit to expand how many plant im running i also got a new 60cm wide shade and big...
  7. Bshbloke

    Growing in the The Wardrobe with the OLD Man

    Nice wardrobe there bro.what big light you going to run with in flower?
  8. Bshbloke


    Yeah bro she still has 4 more weeks or so to week she'l get a dose of shooting powder so those nugs HOPEFULY will explode with yummy nuggetness
  9. Bshbloke


    Sharpe eye there fishdeth yes it was a reveg a small clone i was flowering abit of an experiment i tryed to see how northernlights would reveg and id say id rather clone then reveg again. i must say it was quite slow compare to others which i have done this with
  10. Bshbloke


    The big girl is about 3 weeks flower 4-5 weeks to go and the lil 1 is 7 days in flower 6-7 weeks to go
  11. Bshbloke


    This week pics the girls coming along nicely
  12. Bshbloke

    World of Seeds, Northern Lights x Big Bud

    Heres my girls 2 clones both set 2weeks apart one at 7days flower the other about 3 now using an autopot watering system with coco coir as my medium and both using house and garden and canna nutrients
  13. Bshbloke

    The Nug Machine... Round 3

    cheers bro its given me a great insight to as why my ppm raise and lower at my auto pot feeder tray i just couldnt figure for the life of me why my res ppm would stay the same but to as why my auto pot feeder tray varies but you answered my question perfectly it varies due to the fact my girls...
  14. Bshbloke

    The Nug Machine... Round 3

    Hey fishdeth quick question do you follow your ppm/ec in your res or do you rely on how much you mix your nutes and additives and set ur ph to what you want? And not worrie about ppm? Reason being i mixd mine in my res got 1260ppm and set my ph to 5.8 (im running coco coir) but i checked my base...
  15. Bshbloke


    I must say that going from organic to synthetic you see changes happen so much faster.over the period of 12 hours my younger plant devoloped lil teeny tiny heads yay 7-8 weeks to go!!!
  16. Bshbloke


    Heres todays pics both plants coming along top notch so far still working little by little on how much to mix my nutes as both plants are about 2 weeks apart kindy pondering weather to top feed my shooting powder,top loader,bud xl as it may affect the younger plant. food for thought reali but...
  17. Bshbloke

    My First Journal

    lol now thats beautiful i just love popping the top of my jars and havn a good old whiff of buds curing lol
  18. Bshbloke

    My First Journal

    Omg bro they are beautiful god i wish i could just straight eat them up!!!!!!
  19. Bshbloke

    The Nug Machine... Round 3

    man they've come along way in 28 days youve certianly got this sused,im way back at step 1 again but for good reason im no longer running soil!
  20. Bshbloke

    First fridge grow

    Jeffwhiterabbits a kiwi bro no walmart there mitre10 mega or switched on gardener.oh jeff if you after a good site to buy from chuck EASY GROW NZ into google and theyre brilliant to deal with about 10% cheaper all round then switched on and thats without the deals they run