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  1. Bshbloke


    now this was taken the other day ive got to take sum more as my fridge is booming like mad again and i need a pic of my finial weight but ive got around 102g dry from that one beast they very weighty dence nugs so im pretty PROUD of that hope you all like my first finishd northern lights please...
  2. Bshbloke

    7 weeks into flower

    nice bro im a kiwi too looking good,try herbies if your after seeds theyre great fast and relieable ive just finishd one of my world of seeds northern lights big bud
  3. Bshbloke

    My First Journal

    nice bro your get a good yeild off her, oh my northern lights just did 7 and a half weeks from start of 12/12 about 268grams wet and destalked my trich clear/cloudy/amber ratio was 10/60/40 or there abouts extra sticky tho hoping maby around 90grams dry
  4. Bshbloke

    My First Journal

    oh do you have a jewlers loupe for checking the trichomes/crystals? i try to get as much as i can cloudy and a wee bit amber
  5. Bshbloke

    My First Journal

    kool bro they will get huge fast mine did im a organic grower tho so its a slightly differnt ball game but my northern lights was insaine hungry up to this week were i startd flushing now heres what my girls looked like on sunday
  6. Bshbloke

    My First Journal

    kool bro your doing well for your first grow good job,may i ask what plant is your northern lights? are you useing a led?
  7. Bshbloke

    World of Seeds, Northern Lights x Big Bud

    oh i use a 400w hps and my nutrients are super bloom,super grow,amino acids,OZI tonic as a supplement and maby 1/3 teaspoon of molasses to 1ltr of water this is my fridge
  8. Bshbloke

    World of Seeds, Northern Lights x Big Bud

    these are my world of seeds northern lights x big bud i cloned the original seed came from herbies,this is day 45 for the one up the back and i think week 2-3 of flower from memory for the girl to the left the one on the right hasnt flipped or showen heads yet but has preflower glands from my...
  9. Bshbloke


    last pics
  10. Bshbloke


    and theres more
  11. Bshbloke


    oh and i put a new fan in 22w steal fan blades itself fuck it cranks out the air it needs a good clean tho
  12. Bshbloke


    heres today's pics i got clone happy this avo cut another 7 as my future replacements, i put my last 4 purple widow seeds down in my propagator as my last 2 didn't make it unfortunately, my big girl is about another week or so from here end she got alil bit of burn up top so i had to raise the...
  13. Bshbloke


    had my first root pop on my recent clones took about 9days for the first root to apear on my clones pretty happy how quick they taking
  14. Bshbloke


    yeah bro they going well aye
  15. Bshbloke


    heres the last of my above clone and my next clone thats just showed her preflower heads she'l be frully the same size as the above clone
  16. Bshbloke


    well i took sum measurements of my buds its week 5 or 1 day out from it heres the northern lights specs to World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Feminised Seeds Specs Sex:Feminized Way of cropping:Ind/Out Race:NORTHERN LIGTH X BIG BUD Genotipe:100 % High:100 Growing time:2 to 3 weeks...
  17. Bshbloke

    The Nug Machine... Round 3

    kool bro is the gold leaf a big yeilder? is it a sativa or indica or hybrid?, i just put down 2 purple widow seeds im hoping i get a female as i could only get the as regulars and NZ is a prick to get seeds into ive had 2 more batchs nabbed by customs so im going to have to wait awhile till i...
  18. Bshbloke


    yeah bro im hoping they going to beef right up aye,well i bumped up the feeding of super bloom to 15ml/1ltr on tuesday morning so far so good ill have sum more pic up this w.e. when you put your UV lamp in bro how much of a differnce did you see it the increase of crystals if any?
  19. Bshbloke


    heres some pics of my big girl shes thriving and im almost sure every night i check up on her shes grown another inch around all the heads,now to confirm the dates on when this big girl when in the fridge was the 25th of the 7th so thats maby just over 4 1/2 weeks from a wee lil baby clone to...
  20. Bshbloke

    The Nug Machine... Round 3

    yeah im an organic grower i only use liquid organic nutes of which i HAVE TO KEEP COOL,but chem nutes im unsure of