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  1. S

    second Grow! looking much better

    Hey guys, today is day 35 and they are looking amazing. I did have one accident though, I was away for the weekend and I came home to find that both plants were growing through the spirals on my CFLs, it didn't do much damage, but there were burnt spots on a few of the leaves. Nothing serious...
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    Second Grow.. HOLY GREEN!

    Hey guys, today is day 35 and they are looking amazing. I did have one accident though, I was away for the weekend and I came home to find that both plants were growing through the spirals on my CFLs, it didn't do much damage, but there were burnt spots on a few of the leaves. Nothing serious...
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    Second Grow.. HOLY GREEN!

    thanks guys
  4. S

    second Grow! looking much better

  5. S

    Second Grow.. HOLY GREEN!

    here are some updated pictures.. they both have started to flower afghan is on the left and easy ryder is on the right
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    second Grow! looking much better

    here are some updated pictures.. they both have started to flower afghan is on the left and easy ryder is on the right
  7. S

    second Grow! looking much better

    For those of you who followed my last grow, you know that it didn't turn out very well. I got 10 grams total from 2 afghan kush ryders. I decided to invest a little more money and I made some changes to my grow box: (taken 3 weeks ago) Today is day 22 of this grow and I think they look...
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    Second Grow.. HOLY GREEN!

    For those of you who followed my last grow, you know that it didn't turn out very well. I got 10 grams total from 2 afghan kush ryders. I decided to invest a little more money and I made some changes to my grow box: (taken 3 weeks ago) Today is day 22 of this grow and I think they look...
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    the gloves were so that people couldn't see my race.. gotta be safe man lol I am chopping them down tomorrow, they have been in darkness for 24 hours already, tomorrow will make it 48 hours of darkness.
  10. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    I am chopping them down tomorrow, they have been in darkness for 24 hours already, tomorrow will make it 48 hours of darkness.
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    Is it Harvest Time?

    they aren't burnt lol 268 watts of cfl
  12. S

    Is it Harvest Time?

    its day 54, think she is ready for harvest? If not, how much longer? Any way I could possibly make this last 10-15 more days? I was hoping they would both be bigger when it was chop time :/
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    Day 54: they have really started to yellow and I think its almost chopping time.. what do you guys think? maybe if I get some nitrogen in there they will start looking better? This one is tacoing a little near the top lefty lefty
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    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    Day 54: they have really started to yellow and I think its almost chopping time.. what do you guys think? maybe if I get some nitrogen in there they will start looking better? This one is tacoing a little near the top lefty lefty
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    Day 45, lookin healthy? yield estimates?

    Both girls are on day 45, but I believe Righty is a couple days behind Lefty due to root shock. The fan leaves are yellowing and a couple have fallen off, but all the branches with bud sites are super green. I was told yellowing fan leaves during flowering was normal, is this correct? Both...
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    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    yea, Ive been trying to find something at my local home depot or walmart, but I can't seem to find anything that's purely nitrogen based... the only stuff I can find is Miracle Grow Bloom-Booster Flower Food 12-9-6
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

  18. S

    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    Day 45: I haven't updated this in a little while, but both girls are doing fine.. they are yellowing their fan leaves, but growth has not stopped nor has it slowed down. All the leaves that have bud sites on them look super good and there are crystals on the buds/small leaves. Lefty The...
  19. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    Day 45: I haven't updated this in a little while, but both girls are doing fine.. they are yellowing their fan leaves, but growth has not stopped nor has it slowed down. All the leaves that have bud sites on them look super good and there are crystals on the buds/small leaves. Lefty The...