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  1. S

    LST help

    yea she is flowering already... I don't want to, but I feel like I need to do something to increase my potential yield
  2. S

    LST help

    I am growing an autoflower afghan kush ryder and everyone is telling me to LST this tall girl.. I just don't know where to start, she's so freaking tall if someone could help me out.. maybe draw on my picture in Microsoft Paint to show me where to tie down it would be very appreciated this...
  3. S

    LST help

    I am growing an autoflower afghan kush ryder and everyone is telling me to LST this tall girl.. I just don't know where to start, she's so freaking tall if someone could help me out.. maybe draw on my picture in Microsoft Paint to show me where to tie down it would be very appreciated this...
  4. S

    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    is my plant getting this big a bad thing?
  5. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    it is miracle grow's organic potting soil... its alright, it uses time-released nutes which my plants seem to respond well to, but most people say to avoid it. I would like to try something different next time though..... well unless this grow ends up really really good will do ;)
  6. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    I you dont think it would cause any harm? how high up should I pin it down? from my understnading, to LST I need to bend the stem over and tie it down and the plant will start growing upwards again?
  7. S

    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    here are some updated pictures.. righty is streaching so much.. I have to fix the lights so that lefty's main bud is closer to them I don't think rigty is going to produce much :( but lefty looks perfect and is really starting to smell :)
  8. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    here are some updated pictures.. righty is streaching so much.. I have to fix the lights so that lefty's main bud is closer to them I don't think rigty is going to produce much :( but lefty looks perfect and is really starting to smell :)
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    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    I'll take pictures in a bit... I've been really busy these last couple of days
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    both plants are looking really good today. they are super green and they are very perky
  11. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    both plants look really good today. they aren't really drooping anymore and they are greener than ever. I really don't see any signs of heat shock, but ill keep an eye out
  12. S

    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    righty defiantly went through a little shock, that's why I believe she is a few days behind.. but now shes starting to shoot up haha good luck on your grow man, its fun to see them grow!
  13. S

    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    I went to bed last night and Righty (her name lol) was like 3-4 inches away from my CFL's.. well when I woke up she was touching them and she was even growing around my lights. So I moved my lights up a few inches... I just checked her again and this is what I see: she is getting so big...
  14. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    I went to bed last night and Righty (her name lol) was like 3-4 inches away from my CFL's.. well when I woke up she was touching them and she was even growing around my lights. So I moved my lights up a few inches... I just checked her again and this is what I see: she is getting so big...
  15. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    hmmm interesting .. Ill give it a try next grow when they are smaller
  16. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    how do I do it? lol
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    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    can I scrog on an autoflower?
  18. S

    how are they looking? day 24

    really? I would be happy to get that.. I guess we will see in about 45 days lol
  19. S

    Awkward Looking Autoflower

    so far I haven't seen any ball-like growth anywhere on it... I was thinking it was going to turn herm because of stress, but it doesn't seem like it has :)
  20. S

    Awkward Looking Autoflower

    should I expect her to yield less? or is the fact that she is growing so tall a good thing?