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  1. S

    how are they looking? day 24

    less of a mess and just in case I have to get rid of them really fast lol ... I always plan ahead
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    Awkward Looking Autoflower

    huh? lol .....
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    Awkward Looking Autoflower

    so, I am growing 2 afghan kush ryders and one is doing really well, but this other one looks a bit awkward... she is very tall and doesn't have very many leaves. she is really green though, just not super bushy like my other one. I measured her today and she is 7 inches at day 25. what could...
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    thanks man, I really hope I get something good out of these 2
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    how are they looking? day 24

    this is the big girl: close up: Here is my other girl, she isn't very bushy, however she is about an inch taller then the one showed above.. does she look ok? here is them both together: thoughts? is it plausible to expect an ounce per plant based on their size?
  6. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    Day 24! Both girls are doing good, one has started to flower (the bigger one) and when I put my nose close it smells like weed haha this is her: close up: Here is my other girl, she isn't very bushy, however she is about an inch taller then the one showed above.. does she look ok...
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    Day 24! Both girls are doing good, one has started to flower (the bigger one) and when I put my nose close it smells like weed haha this is her: close up: Here is my other girl, she isn't very bushy, however she is about an inch taller then the one showed above.. does she look ok...
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    what would you suggest? I have superthrive, idk if that will do the trick or not... I would need something low-cost and something I could pick up at home depot or someplace
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    can someone give me some advice..?

    idk lol I guess I was just worried that the little sprouts would suck up some of the light from my autoflowers lol I'm baked dude idk do seeds even need light to sprout?
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    can I plant germinated seeds in...

    the white widow is fem the soil is a dark brown and kinda moist... there are tons of green plants around it I'm actually planting in the middle of thorn bushes lol
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    can I plant germinated seeds in...

    .... can I plant germinated seeds in regular outside dirt and expect a decent yield per plant? I would rather not carry bags of soil through the woods lol (a decent yield is over 1 ounce to me, and the seeds are 1 white widow and 26 bag seeds lol)
  12. S

    can someone give me some advice..?

    I have a growbox going with 2 autoflower Afghan Kush Ryders (3 weeks old) under 250 watts of CFL that are 2700K. my lighting schedule is 20/4 I am also germinating like 20 bag seeds for an outdoor grow (not all of them are going to pop), but as they pop I would like to put them in peat pots...
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    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    ok ok I get it now.. thanks man, I really appreciate it :)
  14. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    oh crap I'm gonna try this.. I don't even feel it doing anything, its just there. Do I cover the hole when I pull it out? or should I leave it open? haha thanks man.. it was a fun little project
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    it took about a week for them to be delivered from attitude
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    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    yea I defiantly added too much superthrive to my gallon of water, but its not a big deal because I only gave it a little and I wont be using it every time I water temps are running on the high side, about 80... when my box is fully closed and sealed it goes up a few degrees.. I'm ordering...
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    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    Any feedback?
  18. S

    250 Watt CFL: Afghan Kush Ryder

    Hey everyone, this is going to be my log of my first grow.. feel free to offer any advice and please comment on my plants progress :D I plan on growing organic and only using molasses to supplement my plants. My soil is organic and it is advertised to have enough nutes to last 3-4 months...
  19. S

    Scrappy's Afghan Kush: Autoflower

    Hey everyone, this is going to be my log of my first grow.. feel free to offer any advice and please comment on my plants progress :D I plan on growing organic and only using molasses to supplement my plants. My soil is organic and it is advertised to have enough nutes to last 3-4 months...