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  1. Bshbloke

    had me thinking whats the most some one has yeilded from a 250w hps???

    um yeah the amount thats on the t shaped one at 7 weeks would be getting close to that of one those main 2 buds/colas at full flower around 18g dry id guess as its very dence to the touch where as the other 2 were around as a single cola/bud 22g dry, it was trained early on for that shape ive...
  2. Bshbloke

    Full spectum lights vs Other

    yeah bro i have a duel spectrum 250w grow lush bulb 70flower/30veg that i sumtimes run but usaly i just run my full red/orange spectrum hps phillips master 250w pia plus i found my buds were alot larger and denser higher quality buds in flower but ive read alot about them both and alot of poeple...
  3. Bshbloke

    had me thinking whats the most some one has yeilded from a 250w hps???

    those two big ones about 31g and 32-33g i think, that was my first grow in that fridge setup and had many changes/modes going on, with it thoses smaller plants are still in the makeing but are about 5-6-7weeks in gives me time to havest each one and give the next more space to grow
  4. Bshbloke

    had me thinking whats the most some one has yeilded from a 250w hps???

    ive been slowly working my way up and up with how much i yeild and thats from growing big plants in my fridge that stand 700mm to 900mm tall with 200mm-300mm buds and to training afew small plants with lots and lots of small buds i use seasol/power feed/an all purose nute i think without looking...
  5. Bshbloke

    4OO WATT hps why so small yield?

    bro i only run a 250w hps in my fridge depending on how many plants a i grow i can yeild any where between 20-30g dry a plant and thats depending on my nutes and training and of course the more time you put into traing them girls the more your gonna get out of them its just pratice aye and...
  6. Bshbloke


    well the photos can out higglety pigglety but heres sum more any way
  7. Bshbloke


    this weeks photos,well ive got a new couple of ferts im starts with light dose of an all purpose fert its npk is 14-10-27 along with my seasol/ liquid seaweed powerfeed/fishguts mix thats also a low dose only a third of what i use during my veg and sumthing new that i was given but am...
  8. Bshbloke

    The Best All Around Guide I've Seen. Covers Everything Nubes!

    great read should make a small beginers growers book out of this mate
  9. Bshbloke

    Should I keep my seedlings under 18/6 or 12/12? Don't know what do to, need help fast.

    wicked bro nothing wrong with over ripe and on time or visa versa its like the difference between white and dark chocolate tbh i love a great couchlock but most my mates dnt and prefer a nice upie high,im looking forward to seeing you new seeds pop up,what was this strain you just grew?,i just...
  10. Bshbloke

    Should I keep my seedlings under 18/6 or 12/12? Don't know what do to, need help fast.

    heres my thread bro take a peep when ya get a chance
  11. Bshbloke


    well the girls coming along well afew hiccups one being that my rcd that both my fans run on decide it was gonna flip and almost bone dried them and then a ph upset but all sortd heres the new pics also have 2 chilly plants and a few seedlings and a clone starting to shoot up.
  12. Bshbloke

    Should I keep my seedlings under 18/6 or 12/12? Don't know what do to, need help fast.

    nice bro how much you reaken you got ill place my guess at 70grams dry as i yeided close to that but ur buds look great id love to get a wiff of them my next fridge grow is coming along keep up the good work bro how long did you have them in flower for? im close to 6 weeks in again
  13. Bshbloke


    heres the big bud
  14. Bshbloke


    PART 2 MY BONZI FRIDGE GROW im going back to my talents thats training bonzi plants theses girls here are my new fridge slaves, i finialy got a kiwi seed orignal big bud clone in the middle she about 250mm tall and about 350mm wide and been in flower for 3 weeks now getting very dence and very...
  15. Bshbloke

    Should I keep my seedlings under 18/6 or 12/12? Don't know what do to, need help fast.

    nice bro will be looking forward to seeing ya harvest hope ya flush goes well i just flush for a week before chop then go the last day no water starve them but every1 does thing differnt aye your method sounds quite good actually,ive been quite lazy with my recnt grow pics but ill get there,im...
  16. Bshbloke

    Should I keep my seedlings under 18/6 or 12/12? Don't know what do to, need help fast.

    bro your doing a nice job man my first growwas a f up and a half thumbs up bro
  17. Bshbloke

    Should I keep my seedlings under 18/6 or 12/12? Don't know what do to, need help fast.

    big bud kush on right and afgan kush on left but the big bud kush wasnt an easy plant for me it was rezilliant lo alot of my methods and didnt take well to my nutes i should have yeilded ALOT more in weight with her compared to my mates whos is twice the size at that same time theres alot i...