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  1. Bshbloke


    oh and thats my super hot thai chilli plant up back
  2. Bshbloke


    well had a big change round after the last grow unfortunately camera broke so couldn't finish the photos under the 250w but pulled 97g dry wish i hadn't dropd the camera but beggars cant be choosers STILL HUNTING THE HOUSE for my old one. heres the new upgrades fitted 2 new fans new sheet...
  3. Bshbloke

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    lol shit thats a variety lol
  4. Bshbloke

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    hey bro im gonna make an order from herbirs they pretty reliable? first time ordering their seeds they got a mint selection too
  5. Bshbloke

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    yeah as far as ive seen thats how it works but it waters on a make shift ballcock system as the plant feeds the water level drops it brings it back up like a farm trough id have to have a closer look at how hes set his water to circulate im pretty sure hes got his bubbler in his res to stop it...
  6. Bshbloke

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    yeah my mate covered that to bro he rigged up two solar pannels one with a 12v bubbler and the other with a 12v circulating pump in his green house we get plent of sun down here copared to back north altho we dont get your humidity just bad ass dry weather
  7. Bshbloke

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    oh and i had a thought have you fellas looked into using an auto pot gravity feed watering system costs about $120 and have seen them water for up to 4 weeks on a 3ft wide by 4 ft tall green house grow of power kush and chem nutes not organic il be trailing my own auto pot in the next few weeks
  8. Bshbloke

    NZ 2014/15 Outdoor Questions & Your Journals :)

    nice shes lovely colours and coming along beautifuly there brother sorry but i havnt read from the start but just the fact i seen another kiwi on here caught my eye,im from the south bro more of an indoor man myself dont have the space outside and the rivers are out of the question as every one...
  9. Bshbloke

    HELP!! Did i just fuck up 7 plants

    is that yellow or you been feeding nutes bro?
  10. Bshbloke

    Is this quality?

    hey twitch bro might i ask how you get your shatter so clean looking? ive made oil for years from iso and am gonna give shatter a go ive seen afew videos and as far as i can gather is that you just try and reduce your tch and wash out as much impuritys as you can same as any wash you do and then...
  11. Bshbloke

    Hey! Any Advice For Making QWISO?

    lol im a kiwi bro ive made oil for years your brew should come out mint, when you make it put some pics up, it should come out semi soft once dryed i sun dry mine after heating it on a ceramic top stove in a 12inch glass dish to a point where i have about 2-3mm worth of liquid in the pan still...
  12. Bshbloke


    Some things just don't go how you plan aye had a big heat wave then a massive drop in temp over the last week most days have been around 27-30 outside my fridge till monday night where it dropped to 8 and stayed there since now i got sum fox tailing happing on my bigbud from the heat and...
  13. Bshbloke

    early ripening???

    ohk i suppose they come with there pro'a and cons then like everything else i never reali hear any one say anything bad about them but then i dont go out of my way too much to find out.ill stick to my hps atm hope to see a good win out of your grow bro,my lead plant is going ape shit after...
  14. Bshbloke

    early ripening???

    looking good bro much differnce in how they grow and flower between led and hps?,i run just a little 250w hps my oldest are around the same frame as yours Gquebed but the other to is about a week to two weeks behind
  15. Bshbloke

    Fridge Grow/Clone Box (part deux)

    lol algood bro im a linesman so im always watching how much power we consume aye stickler as,plants looking good bro,i just started using that super bloom bat guano and in 4 days 40-50mm worth of growth and glands on that growth have doubled in size my first time using it massive differnce for...
  16. Bshbloke

    Fridge Grow/Clone Box (part deux)

    thats such a cool setup fishdeth looks even better in video,how much power does your setup draw? on avarage a month? power in nz isnt cheap its ruffly 22cents per kwh our line charges are $60 a month and GST on top of that is another $60 lol and thats our cheapest power company lol our monthly...
  17. Bshbloke

    had me thinking whats the most some one has yeilded from a 250w hps???

    algood bro 400w been there they great sold my old one to a mate but this would have been 4years ago,i got all my setups as a perk through my job as well as bulbs excpetion for my 70/30 grow lush
  18. Bshbloke

    had me thinking whats the most some one has yeilded from a 250w hps???

    hows it fishdeth chur didnt realise that was under a 250w i did watch that fridge grow looked amazing the work you did on it and the fridge,for sum ungodly known reason i was thinking you used that 315wcmh on it but now i think about it its in your new grow my memory is turned ta shit since i...