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  1. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    This is the strangest auto I have ever seen. If it does not show a noticeable difference in a week I am changing it to 12/12. What I realized was this cannot be a regular strain because it would still be growing up right?
  2. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    My final post here is a picture at some of the buds.
  3. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    Well I took the advice and am going from 20/4 to 14 on 10 off for today then starting 12/12 tomorrow and if it starts flowering I know that is my issue.I am not gonna sit and look at a bare plant lol
  4. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Ya I ended up with like half oz dry but like you said its not Bone dry but smokeable so you were right about 12 solid grams not bad still better then nothing.I ordered some mite killer for like 30 bucks online it will come in VERY handy.
  5. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    The thing is this plant was showing hairs now for 4 weeks and I have been checking and barely any new hairs grew.At the top I counted maybe 10 white hairs maybe it is just a late bloomer I am inclined to think it is pointless to try to go to 12 off because what if that isnt the issue then I...
  6. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    Ya it does have white white hairs but man it is 50 days old it should be half way flowered by now.I do not have a high res camera here
  7. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    I will take your advice starting today I will go 12/12. I assume within a few days I should see more hairs??
  8. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    I donno though here it is at 30 days
  9. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    You are right it could of been a normal shark and they mixed up the seed.
  10. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    Exactly what I thought but this is the first plant I have had do this. I do not get why buddy says it is a no brainer if it is a auto it is supposed to flower even under 24 hour light.
  11. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    Ok so basically try switching it is all I can do that is what I thought.
  12. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    I hope so I am thinking of switching to 14/10 to see if anything happens but it has been used to 20/4
  13. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    Yup Auto great white shark by seedsman I am pissed I had high hopes for this plant I mean I cropped out a afghan kush ryder already and it was only a week older than this plant LOL
  14. lever20065

    Messed Up Great White shark

    So here is the deal I have a 50 day old great white shark that has some white hairs but is not even clustering yet. I have NO IDEA what to do. Since it has no flowers growing yet this has to mean the genetics are fucked. I am doing it 20/4 should i try changing to 18/6? Or am I basically fucked...
  15. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    I had to cut it down due to mites being on the leaves. I ended up with 43 grams wet.
  16. lever20065

    Auto Great White Shark Grow Cfl And Sun

    damn plant it HAS to be fucked because 51 days old and no buds it should of been starting to bud at 30 days. It was by seedsman so I heard they are pretty good. If i do not see some hair clusters in the next 5 days I am gonna try giving it 6 hours dark instead of 4
  17. lever20065

    Auto Great White Shark Grow Cfl And Sun

    Ya there are white hairs at all the sites just not clusters yet.
  18. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    actually I post one tomorrow because everyday there is a difference.
  19. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Ya i am getting anxious now I am guessing probably at least a 20 gram dry yield with that I would be happy.
  20. lever20065

    Auto Great White Shark Grow Cfl And Sun

    This plant is the strangest ever it has grown a Great size nice and green has white hairs but still not actual budding. Here it is now at 50 days old! Up growth seemed to of slowed and got a few more white hairs then before so I am hoping it will start budding anytime now.