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  1. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Day 30 Showing some white hairs but this better get alot bigger quick! Day 31
  2. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Still not growing very fast man it already has white hairs I will be lucky to get a q off this plant I bet
  3. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Ok so it is the end of day 28 and I think the plant is starting to grow finally and is out of shock! Here is how it looks now
  4. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Well it has been almost 48 hours since the transplant but it shows no obvious signs of shock! But looks like for sure it has not grown much I will post a picture later on how it looks. I planted it in Shultz soil it is less potent nutes then the MG. Now that I look at it the top leaves have...
  5. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    This morning I woke up and the plant looks the same as yesterday seems to be fine but no growth like you said probably a few days to take new roots. I am fine if it was going to be dead it would of been showing wilting or something I assume. Here is what it looked like 8 hours after I woke up.
  6. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Ya I transplanted it and ripped some roots while i did it but the ball was still there I hope it recovers it has been half hour and it is still looking fine It will be shocked for a few days for sure though.
  7. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Ok I took everyone advice and transplanted it but I ripped the roots so I am lucky if It does not die. TURNS OUT THE ROOTS WENT WAY DOWN LIKE I SAID!
  8. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Day 26 As you can see she is growing and starting to pick up a bit looks healthy though.
  9. lever20065

    Lowryder Soil Version Grow Cabinet

    Hi everyone, Here is the deal I wanted something small to grow autoflowers. I found this cabinet which is 24 inches tall and 16 inches deep which should be PERFECT for 4 small plants. Does anyone have any experience with this box? I ordered yesterday and I cannot wait to get it. Before everyone...
  10. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Dude that plant is in a large pot and rooted way down if i try to DIG that out I will damage the system I will leave it in here until it is done even if it is small I do not care lol
  11. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Growth has started to pick up a bit finally I will post pictures in a few more days after some sun. This may be a fail but even if it ends up being a runt I learned not to use this soil anymore.
  12. lever20065

    Myth Buster in Action

    I used .14.14.14 miracle grow soil 3 month feed and it worked fine first time around on 2 super sativas and a critical mass. Trying it again I will let you know how these strains take it.
  13. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Day 24 I see a few tiny white hairs already but this is probably only going to be a foot tall when it is done.
  14. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    I know I am giving it direct sun 9 hours a day when it is warm enough trying to get it as big as i can i see a small white hair already its gonna be like a foot tall i bet
  15. lever20065

    can i get one last grow this summer???

    Depends on where you live.
  16. lever20065

    *****White hairs Now What*****?

    Pictures? I would love to see it
  17. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    Big buddah critical mass auto yielded like 25 grams dry but a cut ripped it out twice as a seedling and i had to replant it both times or it would of probably yielded a bit more but after that still grew like a foot and a half was decent size and alot of branches.
  18. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    I am talking to the noobs who say it is WAY to small. It may be small but I had a critical mass that was small until 25 days then I ended up with a 2 foot plant. For whatever reason it is behind id say about a week but no biggie cuz it will just take a bit longer to finish.
  19. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    20/4 Maybe it is a runt its about 4 inches tall but remember I buried the stem earlier in its life. I usually do this to stop the stretch
  20. lever20065

    Afghan Kush Ryder Grow

    I have them in direct sun for 9 hours now because it warmed up here and is going to be 25 plus for the next 8-10 days which will help me greatly. I am doing it 20/4 and after the sun is gone I put it in my cfl setup which is shooting out over 8000 lumens. I think I am going to grab some pro mix...