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  1. Xephier

    Weight scale

    Ya it does look nice, where could I go in Toronto to buy one? I know they can be bought online but I'd prefer to pick it up tomorrow if I could.
  2. Xephier

    Weight scale

    I'm looking to buy a highly accurate digital scale. I've seen digital scales at staples but there's no way of telling how accurate they are. Is there a difference between a 20$ scale and a 50$ scale or are they all pretty accurate? I'd like to get away without spending more than 40$ if possible...
  3. Xephier

    Moisture meter

    Has anyone used one of these to accurately test the moisture level of the soil on their plants? If so can you recommend a good one.
  4. Xephier

    Finally got it going but...

    Are you the guy that invented annoying orange?
  5. Xephier

    Finally got it going but...

    "muffin fans" google images. If you're finding those kinda things by searching that then you must have your wires crossed. On a serious note I found a solution. I'm going to use my florescent strip light for now, it will give the seeds some light to seek out and I doubt I'll have any issues...
  6. Xephier

    Finally got it going but...

    You clearly googled the wrong thing and judging by your profile pic I don't wanna know what you're into.
  7. Xephier

    Finally got it going but...

    Between having a muffin fan on the exhaust and hanging one from beside the light(600w) blowing directly at the light, should that be enough to lower the temp 5-10 degrees(F)?
  8. Xephier

    Finally got it going but...

    Naw, google "muffin fan" it's like a computer fan but better. Btw I only just planted the seeds so how long can I run at these temps and not risk serious damage. I'm gonna try to do something about it tomorrow but it's 2am right now.
  9. Xephier

    Finally got it going but...

    I finally got my grow room(closet) settup and running but I've already encountered my first issue. Atm I just have one oscillating fan in there and 2 vent holes settup for when I get a muffin fan and later on when I get a carbon filter. To the point, if I leave the door closed the temp sits...
  10. Xephier

    Fresh air vs. no fresh air.

    Actually I think there may have been some confusion between me and my friend regarding "fresh air". I personally assumed that fresh air meant air pumped in from outside but he says the "fresh air" from outside of the tent(IE: my room) will do just fine. I think on my next cycle I may get a...
  11. Xephier

    Fresh air vs. no fresh air.

    I was going to run them during the day to reduce the chances of "light leaks" but what you're saying sounds pretty sensible, I'll just have to make extra sure that the area is sealed off well. But then that does again raise the concern of fresh air circulation. What if the high for the day is...
  12. Xephier

    Fresh air vs. no fresh air.

    Well to be fair he did state that we breath out C02 and because I have my settup in my room that technically I should be giving it enough C02 just from what I breathe out in a day. So his argument has a little more logic than what you pointed out there but the general opinion seems to be to give...
  13. Xephier

    Fresh air vs. no fresh air.

    Ok, one more question/concern then. I live in Toronto, it's still chilly during nights and I've been told that I need to keep the temp between 75-80F. The warmest that it even gets in this next week is 55F. If I cycle air from outside (especially during the night without the light on) then the...
  14. Xephier

    Fresh air vs. no fresh air.

    I spoke to my hydro guy and did some research online that all suggests that the plants need a constant cycling of fresh air but when I mentioned this to my buddy(whom is really experienced in this stuff and has advisor's that have been growing for decades) he insists that the idea is stupid...
  15. Xephier

    Sulphur taste in water

    Hehe... Yeah.. Maybe some time but I looked up one of those filters and it's around 200$. I know that my water(unfiltered) will work for growing the plant(since my roommate has been using it on his) I was just curious to if the sulphur taste would be detrimental in any way.
  16. Xephier

    Sulphur taste in water

    I have not gotten my seeds yet but when I do I am going to get them going right away but I have one concern. Recently the tap water has acquired a sulphur taste to it and I am wondering if that will affect the taste of the finished product. I had considered getting a brita water filter to filter...
  17. Xephier

    Electricity cost in Ontario

    I gathered that but I wanted to shoot for the high end(IE: worse case scenario) that way I know if (for instance) I put 200$ extra aside for the power bill, I won't overshoot that number.
  18. Xephier

    Electricity cost in Ontario

    The current electricity rate in Ontario is 13.5 cents per kWh(I looked it up on Google). So hypothetically if I was to run 2 1000 watt bulbs 24/7 for a 31 day month it would cost just over 200$ in electricity? I just want to make sure that I'm doing my math right. Also I'm running worse case...