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  1. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    there are 2 supports going from front to back of basin that sit directly under the base of some of my pods...took them out...that shouldnt cause any ill effects correct?
  2. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    ok that picture...just put it in the bottom...and how often do I run the air stone... also, is it necessary for me to mix the nutes w/ water first, and then ph test it, before I dump it into the basin...or how do I do this...
  3. B

    New Aerogarden...germinate fine then die

    yea...looks like it was too hot where I was growing...moved aerogarden and added a fan for circulation...really taking off now but could still use some tips...maybe you wouldnt mind taking a look at new post... thanks
  4. B

    New Aerogarden...germinate fine then die

    Thanks for replying...looks like it was too hot and needed some circulation... Maybe you could take a look at new post... Thanks.
  5. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    I found that the area I was growing in was probably getting too hot, and I underestimated the importance of having good circulation...probably the best thing I can suggest to anyone is circulation... Thanks to those who helped me... I have one pod that has taken off really great since I lowered...
  6. B

    aero help.... checked my reservoir and it was orange!!

    I think that color is from the grow sponges. They leak their color into the water. You have the brown sponges with the divit in the top, right?
  7. B

    New Aerogarden...germinate fine then die

    Just got the aerogarden. Germinate the plants in paper towell and transfer to seed pods. No nutrients yet. Seeds grow for about a week in the aerogarden, then die...what am I doing wrong. Could my growing area be getting too hot? Have changed conditions in growing area and added a small fan...