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  1. doublejj


    The Air Force base also had a skeet and trap range, where I first fired a shotgun. One day on the range I looked out to the Black Sea and was excited to see a huge whale sitting just off shore. I excitedly pointed it out to the Airmen and they laughed and told me that wasn't a whale, it was a...
  2. doublejj


    Back in the early 1960's I was 12/13 years old, I lived on the Black Sea. My father was an engineer & work for a company that did technical support for the Air Force. I believe he work on secret nukes when we had them in Turkey but he would never talk about what he was working on. We lived in a...
  3. doublejj


    drones will really come into their own in urban to house. they can clear a block at a time using artillery and drones
  4. doublejj


    A few mini drone flights will tell them everything.....the ones that can fly thru windows and buildings
  5. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    lock trump up...
  6. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    They can pick fruit since the republicans don't want any immigrants to cross the border. Good clean jobs...
  7. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    wood burning automobiles have been around since WWII...
  8. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    the point was it was cleaner for the air......some of us consider clean air a point
  9. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    The sun
  10. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

  11. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    ev Hummer.....
  12. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    ev JEEP AVENGER...
  13. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    Here's the ev JEEP RECON......
  14. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

  15. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    would you settle for a Mercedes Benz?...
  16. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    I still own a V10 F250.....I just don't drive it everyday...
  17. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    In California they washed entire mountains into the sea looking for gold. and deposited thousands of tons of mercury into San Francisco Bay, where it still sits today and will remain toxic for 10,000 years..
  18. doublejj

    Paul Pelosi parties with Ivanka Trump at Mar a Lago

    you sound a bit jealous...
  19. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

  20. doublejj

    I thought this was America?

    I guarantee they will walk away from those wells when they are through making obscene profits and leave the mess for you and me to clean up....:cuss: