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  1. CleverReference

    CleaverJiggy grow

    We took a few clones today, we're using this method: The seeds we started a few days ago are also in there. Finally made a clone box and got some cfl's. Here is the cloner Jiggy made...
  2. CleverReference

    CleaverJiggy grow

    Wow...nothing like coming home to someone stealing your thunder with an inferior post containing misinformation. :clap: for Jiggy. The next round is: 1 Barney's Farm LSD 1 Cali Connection Budha Tahoe 1 DinaFem White Widow 1 Paradise Seeds Delahaze We are working on the setup for our clone...
  3. CleverReference

    CleaverJiggy grow

    The deed is done. She had alot more male flowers than we I really hope we got him-her out of there before things got frisky.
  4. CleverReference

    CleaverJiggy grow

    Our auto flower is a hermie. So that plant was just full of surprises...yay bagseed. Other three are looking great though. We'll post an update with pictures soon.
  5. CleverReference

    Balls...are these balls?

    :-( Sigh...she was starting to look mighty perty too. Thanks all.
  6. CleverReference

    Balls...are these balls?

    Damn...that sucks, I'd keep it but I have 3 other girls in there that are just about ready for me to switch the lights. Anyone think it's not balls?
  7. CleverReference

    Balls...are these balls?

    This morning I went in to check on our lovely ladies and I may have gotten hit in the face with balls... This is our auto-flower plant, he-she-it has been flowering for about 4 weeks now. Is it a hermie?
  8. CleverReference

    im starting seeds can i use a humidity dome? or leave it out in the open?

    *Just make sure you take the cover off to let fresh air get to your sprouts a couple times a day
  9. CleverReference

    do I really need this? (tds meter)

    Easy then, here is the ff schedule: start at 1/4 strength, the reading on your tds meter will give you the ppm
  10. CleverReference

    do I really need this? (tds meter)

    It depends on what nutes you're using, how sensitive your strains are, what soil you're using....etc etc. You should always start out slowly with nutes and increase the dose over a few weeks. Read your plants, they will tell you what they need when they need it.
  11. CleverReference

    do I really need this? (tds meter)

    To use it, simply dip the end of it into your water and push the button. I cant read what your two buttons say, but it is one of those two. A number will appear on the lcd screen, give it about 30 seconds to level out and bingo that is your tds reading. The tds reading is usually in ppm. It...
  12. CleverReference

    do I really need this? (tds meter)

    A tds meter (aka. total dissolved solids) is a meter that helps you determine the amount of dissolved solids in your water, i.e salts and minerals. If you are following a feeding schedule that came with your nutes, the dosage is usually given in tsp/gallon, ec or ppm. So...yes you do need it...
  13. CleverReference

    CleaverJiggy grow

    We are in the middle of week 3 veg. Here is an update: Day 29: We have come to a revalation! After weeks of study and testing, we have determined that it is incredibly difficult to type with a blunt in your are welcome roll it up. They are coming along nicely. Even the little...
  14. CleverReference


    Yes please.
  15. CleverReference

    CleaverJiggy grow

    Allright, we're going to journal these bitches. This is our first grow, the first few weeks were a little touch and go...I was freaking out over our plants and posting every other minute with questions, but I think they are on their way to success. Strains: 2x purple wreak, 1x cheese, 1x...
  16. CleverReference

    Serrated leaves yellowish+drooping on weed sprout

    They might go into shock, but what's worse? Shocking them a little bit or burning them with nutes?
  17. CleverReference

    Serrated leaves yellowish+drooping on weed sprout

    What he means by 'hot' is not the temperature of the soil, it's the nutrient concentration. It may be too high for your young plants.
  18. CleverReference

    to feed or not to feed

    lol. I love you too. Now stop hijacking my thread...this is serious business
  19. CleverReference

    to feed or not to feed

    well look who it is. Captain this is your project, I'm not getting involved. Begone and troll elsewhere....=P
  20. CleverReference

    to feed or not to feed

    looking for a little clarification... the FF nutes I bought suggest that I start feeding when the plants are 5 days old, but I have found alot of conflicting information about how/when to feed, everything from only feeding a 1/4 of what is recommended to not feeding them at all until they have...