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  1. CleverReference

    Are my plants just lazy or did I kill them already?

    We're past the germinating part, that isn't the problem. The problem is my plants dont seem to be doing anything...growing, dying...nothing, they are just sitting there like the day they popped up.
  2. CleverReference

    Are my plants just lazy or did I kill them already?

    No pics at the moment, sorry. You will have to rely on my outstanding literary description of whats happening. I germinated my seeds using the paper towel method and planted them in moist soil(FF Light Warrior) in little 3" peat pots. They popped up out of the ground on 3/23 and grew about an...
  3. CleverReference

    another newbie, please help

    Are we talking about fox farm light warrior or ocean forrest?
  4. CleverReference

    Introduction and First Time Grow Plans - Seeking Advice for Equip

    As for the cold mountain air, you don't want air that is too cold hitting your plants (<60 degrees F). Just something to keep in mind.
  5. CleverReference

    Introduction and First Time Grow Plans - Seeking Advice for Equip

    If you're going to use a small grow tent for flowering, I think you would want to stick with a HID light that is 400w or less or you might have heat problems. As for a carbon filter, I would use one, but its not something you have to buy until you are ready to start flowering. So if you're...
  6. CleverReference

    wtf is your problem?

    And then complain about the answers you get? Seems very effective.
  7. CleverReference

    wtf is your problem? is your problem? You claim to have been researching for the past six months...I call bullshit. Im a new grower, it took me less than a month on this site to figure out exactly what I need to do. How it has taken you more than six months is rediculous. Ask and you shall recieve, but...
  8. CleverReference

    Grow Room v2.0

    It a raised its more like a downstairs area than a basement. We keep the temp between 65 and 70 year round.
  9. CleverReference

    Grow Room v2.0

    The quest continues....haven't ordered anything yet, but after going back to the drawing board from my first plan I think I will be better off. Instead of having my grow in the cuboard under the stairs like some unwanted wizard child, I am moving it to a closet in my basement. Here is my...
  10. CleverReference

    Newbie Growing Cubby

    This might be a dumb question, is 3'10" not tall enough when, I've seen people growing in rubbermaid storage bins and cardboard boxes? Is it just the lights he chose or something else? Also can't you train your plants to grow short/fat?
  11. CleverReference

    one small room, vegetative & flowering "areas"

    That's a good idea. Going a bit more into my plan...I was going to cover both areas with pvc plastic (white side facing in (obviously))....and was planning on using a reflective hood to maximize my lighting, with all that reflection going on wouldnt that contribute to heat as well? Question is...
  12. CleverReference

    one small room, vegetative & flowering "areas"

    Thanks for your input guys, I think I need to do a little more research on cooling. It would be a shame to go through all the trouble(not to mention expense) of setting the room up just to fail.
  13. CleverReference

    one small room, vegetative & flowering "areas"

    I do have central air that ducts right across the top of those two closets, if a cooltube wasnt enough maybe I could do something with that...but that might require help from a heat/ac person.
  14. CleverReference

    one small room, vegetative & flowering "areas"

    My paint skills are not that great, I was planning on going with vent tubing that is atleast 6" in diameter As for cooling, with sufficient ventilation, air flow and fans; I didn't think that would be much of an I wrong? The temperature in my basement in the summer is pretty cool...
  15. CleverReference

    one small room, vegetative & flowering "areas"

    Attach damn you....
  16. CleverReference

    one small room, vegetative & flowering "areas"

    Hi, New potential grower here, I've done quite a bit of reading on these forums and I think I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do, but I am trying to figure something out. I am looking at possibly growing in a storage area under my stairs, its an L shaped room with approx 4'...