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  1. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Moscow pigeon....
  2. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Red state.... Russian State TV Host Says 'All Our Hope' Placed in 'Beloved' Donald Trump
  3. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Blue state.....8-) California governor signs law giving fast food workers more pay, power and protection
  4. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Red states....smh Arkansans Will Vote on Marijuana Legalization. But Their Votes May Not Count. The measure will be on the ballot, but depending on how the state Supreme Court rules, the votes may just not be counted. One of the most direct ways for voters to have a say in the way their...
  5. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Republicans hate Americans.... Republican plans to block student loan relief would keep millions of Americans in debt
  6. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Republican campaigns are silent on health care Republicans in tight congressional races are going silent on health care, scrubbing campaign websites of anti-abortion language and in some cases distancing themselves from past criticisms of the Affordable Care Act...
  7. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Mississippi’s Dry Run for Eco-Apartheid The water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, was thoroughly preventable. And it’s a vision of a disastrous future.
  8. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Gasoline prices are expected to continue to fall after Labor Day and some states could see below $3
  9. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Red states....smh:cry: Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves was too busy attacking LGBTQ people to fix Jackson’s water problem The state's capital city is without water for the foreseeable future because the state's Republicans were too busy fighting the culture wars...
  10. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    time to lock these republican insurrectionist's up... New Mexico Judge Disqualifies Cowboys for Trump Cofounder Couy Griffin From Public Office for Engaging in Insurrection New Mexico judge disqualifies Cowboys for Trump cofounder Couy Griffin from public office for engaging in insurrection...
  11. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

  12. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    republicans must cheat to win. Fair elections terrify them.
  13. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    The #1 republican city is.......
  14. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    LOL....silly rabbit those are democrats so they can vote in republican primaries to start weeding out the worst MAGA's before they ever make it to the regular ballot. Don't worry the majority will still vote democrat in the regular election and dems will win & you will have something to cry foul...
  15. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Farmers push for immigration reform to counter labor shortages and rising food price
  16. doublejj


    These were swarms of 1000's of drones....good luck with that
  17. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Many of our trim crew were migrants that came to trim for a couple months and sent the $$ home. And then would go home and return next season.
  18. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Yes and Florida...
  19. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Make sure to bus some to NorCal, the grapes are ready to pick....thank you Texas
  20. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    We should thank the people of Texas for subsidizing free transportation for migrant workers from the border to their new jobs in Georgia and Tennessee. They can just hide their green cards and hop on the bus. Brilliant!...