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  1. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

  2. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    that's: голубь in russian
  3. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    maybe he will get lucky and get a smart cell mate....
  4. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    it's a new policy here in CA....if your going to move, then move to TX/FL. Turn American BLUE.
  5. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    the worst punishment for donald would be to treat him like a normal criminal. no special treatment. Throw him on a general population yard and give him a job in the kitchen.
  6. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    It cost 4 times as much to keep a prisoner in solitary.....thump ain't worth it.
  7. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    There's millions of criminals out there that belong in prison, trumps only one, they are called republicans.
  8. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Yeah we know....second class citizens with no personal freedom to their own healthcare decisions. And they are pissed!
  9. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Single cells are a luxury item in prison it would be like a reward. every inmate wants to live alone. He needs to live in close space with another convict just like the rest of the criminals.
  10. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    No he doesn't rate a supermax cell, no special treatment for this asshole. Throw him in a cell with bubba he will exploit him like a migrant farm worker.
  11. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    we can all thank Joe Biden for that..
  12. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    he will be too busy washing socks for his celly....
  13. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    that's the new republican policy..."education is bad" :roll:
  14. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    the sun is a good thing if you don't stare at it too long...
  15. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    I drive a Prius hybrid and haven't put gas in it for almost 2 months. Giving the Saudi's money for gas is a republican thing. JARED KUSHNER’S $2 BILLION SAUDI CHECK APPEARS EVEN MORE COMICALLY CORRUPT THAN PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT...
  16. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Yes, Joe made it possible for people to return to work....without drinking bleach
  17. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    remember when this dipsh*t stood staring at an eclipse?....:roll:
  18. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    trumps new government subsidized housing..
  19. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    if they weren't going back to work what would you be saying?....
  20. doublejj

    Is Biden really that bad?

    Yeah trump really f*cked that up from the start didn't he?....bleach drinking idiot. Clorox had to come out with a statement DO NOT DRINK BLEACH lol