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  1. doublejj

    Would a libertarian personally help immigrants?

    I'll ask you again, even though I know you won't answer, How young is too young?
  2. doublejj

    Would a libertarian personally help immigrants?

    thought you didn't care about others affairs?
  3. doublejj

    Would a libertarian personally help immigrants?

    if they serve honorably in the US Armed Forces that makes them eligible for citizenship, along with free health care, dental, housing, food and a decent salary .....let me think about it a minute
  4. doublejj

    Would a libertarian personally help immigrants?

    so how young is too young?.......does the age of consent have at least 2 numerals?
  5. doublejj

    Would a libertarian personally help immigrants?

    You mean like peaceful migrants trying to enter the country?...those others?
  6. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    slave travel passes......
  7. doublejj

    Would a libertarian personally help immigrants?

    what is the age of consent?....
  8. doublejj


    Ukraine needs time now to re-adjust their supply lines as to not get over extended and venerable to counter attack. The UKr's need time to move all of those munitions and equipment they have received from the Russian lend lease program(ie never fired only dropped once). You cannot leave them...
  9. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    You seem to indicate is OK to violate some peaceful persons but not OK the ones you approve of...what's that called?...
  10. doublejj


    Armenia vs Azerbaijan immediately renewed hostilities towards each other as soon as Russia moved much of its army from this region to the Ukraine front. Their conflict dates back to pre USSR era... Putin has issues on several fronts
  11. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    What's Illegal is kidnaping migrants and human trafficking them north against their will. Or are you now OK with forcing people against their will?...
  12. doublejj


  13. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    Yeah there's a lot of Texas Federal Judges I don't agree with....
  14. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    I think you can still get into the Air Force up to 39years of luck
  15. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    If you are asking if I agree with the Selective Service?....yes
  16. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    No...if your asking me, No. If women want to volunteer that's fine but i would never vote to force women into the Army. I'm too old school for that.
  17. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    no I don't think so. Only the ones that were drafted and didn't report for duty.
  18. doublejj

    Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

    Jimmy Carter pardoned all the draft dodgers...